09 June 2014

NATPAC Jobs 2014 Project Engineers, Technician, Assistants, Project Associates

National Transportation Planning & Research Centre (NATPAC), Thiruvananthapuram (Kerala State) Walk in Interview for Project Staff of Project Engineers, Technicians/Assistants and Project Associates. Walk in Interview will be held on 11th June 2014.


Name of Post



Project Engineers and Technicians/Assistants

(i) ME/M.Tech (Traffic & Transportation/ Transportation/Highway Engineering/ Hydraulics) or equivalent.
(ii) B.Tech (Civil Engineering).
(iii) Diploma in Civil Engineering/Mechanical Engineering/Multimedia Animation.
(iv) ITI Certificate (Civil) with not less than one year experience.
(v) NTC/ITI Certificate in Secretarial Practice with not less than 2
years experience.


Project Associates

(i) M.A. (Economics) with not less than one year experience.
ii) M.Sc (Statistics/Operation Research) with not less than one year experience.
(iii) M.Sc (Geography/Geological Science with working experience in GIS).
(iv) MCA with not less than one year experience.
(vi) ACA (inter)/ICWA (inter) with experience.

Remuneration: For Sl.No.l(i), 2(iv) to (vi) and candidates with MPhil/PhD/MBA - Rs.13000/-, For Sl.No. 1 (ii), Sl.No.2 (i) to (iii)- Rs.11000/- and For Sl.No.1 (iii)- Rs.9000/- and Rs.8000/- for Sl.No.1 (iv),&(v).

Interested candidates may appear for an interview with original certificates showing educational qualifications, experience, age, etc. for verification.

Walk in Interview Date -> 11/06/2014

Walk in Interview Time -> 
Sl.No.1 & Sl.No.2 - 9.00 AM onwards
Sl.No. 1 (iii) to (v) - 1.30 PM    onwards
Sl.No.2 (i), (iv) to (vi) - 1.30 PM onwards

Walk in Interview Venue -> NATPAC, 5th Floor, Sasthra Bhavan, Pattom, Thiruvananthapuram-4.

Complete Details Here>>

by | Last Updated on 2014-06-09T12:52:28Z