08 March 2014

UPSC Advertisement No.04/2014 Apply online (32 Vacancies)

UPSC-Advt-No-4Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) invites Online Recruitment Applications (ORA) for recruitment of following posts. Eligible persons Apply Online on or before 27th March 2014.

Advertisement No.04/2014

Post Name

No of Posts

Age Limit

Scale of Pay

Assistant Director (Entomology), Directorate of Plant Protection, Quarantine & Storage, Faridabad, Deptt. Of Agriculture & Cooperation Ministry of Agriculture


35 Years

Rs.15,600-39,100 ( PB-3) + Rs. 5,400 (Grade Pay) (T.E. Rs. 39,900/-) + TA and HRA as admissible, General Central Service, Group 'A', Gazetted, Non-Ministerial

Principal in Army Cadet College Wing, Indian Military Academy, Dehradun, Ministry of Defence


50 Years

Rs.37,400-67,000 (PB-4) + Rs.10,000 (Academic Grade pay) plus Rs. 2000/- p.m. special allowance (T.E. Rs. 1,02,700/-),+ TA and HRA as admissible,Cneral Central Service, Group 'A', Gazetted, Non-Ministerial

Professor in Humanities (Economics/Political Science/History/ Hindi/ English) in Army Cadet College Wing, Indian Military Academy, Dehradun, Ministry of Defence


50 Years

Rs.37,400-67,000 (PB-4) + Rs.10,000 (Academic Grade pay) (T.E. Rs.1,00,700/-),+ TA and HRA as admissible, General Central Service, Group 'A'

Professor in Science (Mathematics/ Chemistry/ Physics) in Army Cadet College Wing, Indian Military Academy, Dehradun, Ministry of Defence


50 Years

Rs.37,400-67,000 (PB-4) + Rs.10,000 (Academic Grade pay) (T.E. Rs. 1,00,700/-),+ TA and HRA as admissible, General Central Service, Group 'A', Gazetted, Non-Ministerial

Assistant Professor (Bio-Chemistry) in the Teaching Specialist Sub-cadre of C.H.S. at CIP, Ranchi, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare


48 Years

Rs.15,600-39,100 (PB-3) + Rs.6,600 (Grade pay) + NPA, (T.E. Rs. 57,038/-),TAand HRA as admissible, Central Health Service , Teaching Specialist Sub-cadre of CHS, Group 'A'

Assistant Professor (Pathology) in the Teaching Specialist Sub-cadre of C.H.S. at CIP, Ranchi, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare


45 Years

Rs.15,600-39,100 (PB-3) + Rs.6,600 (Grade pay) + NPA, (T.E. Rs. 57,038/-),TA and HRA as admissible, Central Health Service , Teaching Specialist Sub-cadre of CHS, Group 'A'

Assistant Professor (Radio-diagnosis) in the Teaching Specialist Sub-cadre of C.H.S. at CIP, Ranchi, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare


48 Years

Rs.15,600-39,100 (PB-3) + Rs.6,600(Grade pay) + NPA, (T.E. Rs. 57,038/-), TA and HRA as admissible, Central Health Service, Teaching Specialist Sub-cadre of the CHS, Group 'A'. Central Health Service , Teaching Specialist Sub-cadre, Group 'A'

Specialists Grade-II (Surgery) in the Non- Teaching Specialist Sub-cadre of C.H.S. at Lakshadweep Islands, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare


50 Years

Rs.15,600-39,100 (PB-3) + Rs.6,600 (Grade pay) + NPA, (T.E. Rs. 57,038/-), TAand HRA as admissible, Central Health Service , Non-Teaching Specialist Sub-cadre of CHS, Group 'A'

Professor (Civil Engineering), Chandigarh College of Engineering & Technology (Degree Wing), Department of Technical Education, Chandigarh Administration


35 Years

Rs.37,400-67,000 (PB-4) + Rs.10,000 (Academic Grade pay) (T.E. Rs. 88,060/-),+ TA and HRA as admissible, General Central Service, Group 'A', Gazetted

Assistant Professors (Computer Science & Engineering), Chandigarh College of Engineering & Technology (Degree Wing), Department of Technical Education, Chandigarh Administration


50 Years

Rs.15,600-39,100 (PB-3) + Rs.6,000 (Academic Grade pay) (T.E. Rs.41,040/-), + TA and HRA as admissible, General Central Service, Group 'A', Gazetted

Assistant Professors (Electronics & Communication Engineering), Chandigarh College of Engineering & Technology (Degree Wing), Department of Technical Education, Chandigarh Administration


35 Years

Rs.15,600-39,100 (PB-3) + Rs.6,000 (Academic Grade pay) (T.E. Rs. 41,040/-), + TA and HRA as admissible, General Central Service, Group 'A', Gazetted

Assistant Professors (Mechanical Engineering), Chandigarh College of Engineering & Technology (Degree Wing), Department of Technical Education, Chandigarh Administration


35 Years

Rs.15,600-39,100 (PB-3) + Rs.6,000 (Academic Grade pay) (T.E. Rs. 41,040/-), + TA and HRA as admissible, General Central Service, Group 'A', Gazetted

Application Fee: Candidates are required to pay a fee of Rs. 25/- only either by remitting the money in any branch of the SBI by cash or by using net banking facility of the SBI or by using visa/master credit/debit card. No fee for SC/ST/PH/Women candidates of any community.

How To Apply: Eligible persons Apply Online through Online Recruitment Application (ORA) http://upsconline.nic.in/ora/candidate/VacancyNoticePub.php on or before 27/03/2014 up to 23:59 Hrs.

Advt No.04/2014 Full Details Here>>

by | Last Updated on 2014-05-17T07:12:42Z