09 January 2015

APDCL Assam Recruitment 2015 Assistant / Junior Managers

Assam Power Distribution Company Limited (APDCL) issued Employment Notification from eligible Indian Citizens for filling up few vacancies in three ASEB's successor Companies i.e. Assam Power Distribution Company Ltd (APDCL), Assam Power Generation Corpn Ltd (APGCL) and Assam [Electricity Grid Corpn Lid (AEGCL). The last date for submitting application is 20th January 2015.


Scale of Pay

Assistant Manager (Electrical)/ (Mechanical)/ (Information Technology)

Rs. 14200 - 45000/- with Grade Pay Rs. 5400/-

Junior Manager (Electrician)/(Mechanical)

Rs. 9500 - 35000/- with Grade Pay RS. 4300/-

Educational Qualifications:

Assistant Manager (Elect) -> Electrical Engineering Degree (BE or B.Tech) from University/Institutions recognized by Govt, and approved by AJCTE, with minimum aggregate 60% marks or its equivalent, (50% in the case of Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes candidates) for being eligible for admission into written test.

Assistant Manager (Mech) -> Mechanical Engineering Degree (BE or B.Tech) from University/Institutions recognized by Govt, and approved by AICTE, with minimum aggregate 60% marks or its equivalent, (50% in the case of Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes candidates) for being eligible for admission into written test.

Assistant Manager (IT) -> Engineering Degree (BE or B.Tech) in Computer Science & Engineering, Information Technology. Computer Engineering, Computer Technology or Computer Science from University/Institutions recognized by Govt, and approved by AICTE. with minimum aggregate 60% marks or its equivalent, (50% in the case of Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes candidates) for being eligible for admission into written test.

Junior Manager (Elect) -> Three or four years' Engineering Diploma in Electrical Engineering from any recognized Institution with minimum aggregate 60% marks or its equivalent, (50% in the case of Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes candidates) for being eligible for admission into written test.

Junior Manager (Mech) -> Three or four years' Engineering Diploma in Mechanical Engineering from any recognized Institution with minimum aggregate 60% marks or its equivalent, (50% in the case of Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes candidates) for being eligible for admission into written test.

Age Limit: 21 to 38 Years as on 1st December 2014. Age Relaxation 05 Years for SC/ST.

Selection Process: Written Test and Viva-Voce Test

Application Fee: A Non-Refundable fee of Rs. 500/- for General and OBC; Rs. 250/- in the case of Scheduled Tribes and Scheduled Castes' candidates, payable by crossed Indian Postal Order/demand Draft pledged in favour of Chief General Manager(F&A), APDCL, Bijuli Bhawan, Paltanbazar, Guwahati-781001.

How To Apply: Application in the prescribed form (may be downloaded From APDCL Website) OR may be obtained from the office during working hours from Recruitment Cell,o/o MD, APDCL, Bijuli Bhawan, Pa I tan bazar, Guwahati, on payment of Rs.10/ each) duly filled in along with (i) attested copies of certificates, mark-sheets and other testimonials  in respect of qualifications, age, marks obtained ,caste, permanent residence etc (ii) two pass port size recent photographs and (iii) two self addressed envelops (10 inch X 4.5 inch size) affixing postal stamp. Of Rs, 5 (Rupees five),  should reach the Director (Personnel), Assam Power" Distribution Company Limited, Bijuli Bhawan, Paltanhazar, Gmvahati-781001 within 20/01/2015.

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by | Last Updated on 2015-01-09T04:44:44Z