11 July 2013

Haryana Staff Selection Commission Recruitment July 2013 (Total 2994 Vacancies)

hsscHaryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC) Pamchkula invites application for the following posts. Advertisement No.01/2013. Closing date for receipt of applications in the Commission’s office: 08.08.2013.

Name of the Posts: Insect Collector, 2. Dispenser (Ayurvedic), Pharmacist, Sister Tutor, Staff Nurse, Chief Administrator, Accounts Assistant, Director in Industrial Training Department Haryana, Craft Instructor Stenography English, Computer Operator and Programming Assistant, Computer Instructor, Language Teacher (Hindi), Craft Instructor Stenography Hindi, Computer Operator, Computer Networking and Hardware Technician, Junior Programmer, Craft Instructors, Agriculture Inspector (Soil Conservation), Surveyor (Soil Conservation), Mason, Mechanic, Laboratory Assistant, Junior Engineer (Civil), Renewable Energy Development Agency (Hareda), Junior Librarian, Pharmacist, Hindi Translator, Senior Scientific Assistant, Junior Scientific Assistant, Forest Ranger:, Inspector Wild Life, Veterinary Livestock Development Assistant (VLDA), Laboratory Assistant, Junior Scientific Assistant, Junior Coaches.

Total Vacancies: 2994

Age Limit: 18-40 years as on 08-08-2013.

How To Apply: Application in the prescribed format. Application form complete in all respects duly filled in by the candidates in their own handwriting in capital letters and signed in the specified space should be sent only  through Registered Post to the Secretary, Haryana Staff Selection Commission, Bays  No. 67-70, Sector-2, Panchkula PIN- 134151.  The last date for receipt of applications in the Commission’s office: 08.08.2013.

Detailed Information: http://www.hssc.gov.in/writereaddata/Advertisements/12_1_1_01.2013.pdf

by | Last Updated on 2013-07-11T11:35:02Z