08 October 2012

DOEACC Chandigarh Recruitment 2012 for Court Managers

doeaccNational Institute of Electronics and Information Technology, Chandigarh, Extension  Centre, Shimla (An Autonomous Scientific Society under Department of Electronics and Information Technology) invites applications for the posts of Court Managers, One in the High Court of Himachal Pradesh and Four in Civil & Sessions Division in the state of HP purely on Contract Basis. The appointment of the candidates will be made initially for a period of Two Years, which is extendable to Five Years.

Post Name

No of Posts

Consolidated Salary


Court Managers


Rs.40,000/- Per Month

B.Tech in Computer Sciences / IT with degree in MBA OR MBA in Finance / HR with sound knowledge of Computer applications having two years of experience.

Application Fee: Rs.350/- in cash or through demand draft (Favoring Director, NIELIT Chandigarh, Extension Centre Shimla) payable at Shimla.

How To Apply: Candidates should submit their application duly filled in and accompanied by attested copies of certificates. Selection will be done on the basis of performance in the written test / viva voice to be held on 02/11/2012 in the High in the High Court of HP.

Detailed Information: http://doeaccchd.edu.in/court-managers-high-court-himachal-pradesh

by | Last Updated on 2012-10-08T07:55:05Z