30 August 2012

University of Horticultural Sciences Bagalkot Jobs 2012 Assistant Professors and Technical Assistants

uhabagalkotUniversity of Horticultural Sciences Bagalkot recruitment to various posts of Assistant Professors under Backlog & Current vacancies & Technical Assistants (AICRP). Applications are invited in the prescribed form for filling up the following posts of Assistant Professors & Technical Assistants (AICRP) from the eligible candidates who are qualified as on the last date fixed for receipt of filled in applications in the University of Horticultural Sciences, Bagalkot.


Name of the Post

No of Posts

Pay Scale




Rs. 15600 – 39100 + Rs.6000 AGP




Rs. 9300-34,800 + Rs.4200 Grade pay

Application Fee: The applicants have to obtain application form through the University website & enclose Demand Draft as processing fees obtained from any of the Nationalized Bank for Rs.500/- (For SC/ST/Cat.I Rs.250/- only) payable to the Comptroller, University of Horticultural Sciences, Bagalkot drawn within the period from 27.08.2012 to 25.09.2012

How To Apply: Application in the prescribed format. Filled-in applications together with copies of testimonials should also be sent in an envelope, superscribing on it, “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF _______________________” to THE REGISTRAR, UNIVERSITY OF HORTICULTURAL SCIENCES, SECTOR NO.60, NAVANAGAR, BAGALKOT-587 103 (KARNATAKA) on or before 5.00 pm on 25.09.2012 from the candidates staying in India and abroad.

Detailed Information: http://www.uhsbagalkot.edu.in/downloads/NOTIFICATION_27Aug.pdf

by | Last Updated on 2012-08-30T10:05:23Z