22 July 2012

Madurai Kamaraj University Jobs 2012 Temporary Guest Lecturers

Madurai Kamaraj University (University with Potential for Excellence) invites application from eligible candidates as Temporary Guest Lecturers for teaching assignment on a consolidated pay of  Rs.10,000/- per month in Madurai Kamaraj University College at Kottur for the academic year 2012-2013. The appointment is purely temporary and consolidated pay basis.

Post Name

No of Posts

Age Limit

Consolidated Salary

Temporary Guest Lecturers

10 (Commerce – 02, English – 03, Physical Education – 01, Social Work – 01, Tamil – 03)

As  per  Tamil  Nadu  Collegiate  Educational  Service  for  Govt.  Arts  &  Science Colleges

Rs.10,000/- per month

Application Fee: Demand  draft for  Rs.  300/- drawn in favour  of  The Registrar,  Madurai  Kamaraj University, Madurai-21  should be enclosed  with  the application form. Fees exempted for SC/ST/PWD Candidates.

How To Apply: Application in the prescribed format  shall be addressed  to The Registrar, Madurai Kamaraj University, Palkalai Nagar, Madurai – 625 021. The last date for submission of filled in application is 25.07.2012  before  5.45  pm.

Detailed Information: http://www.mkuniversity.org/Application%20for%20TGL%20-%20kottur%20college.pdf

by | Last Updated on 2012-07-22T14:00:37Z