04 June 2012

Kurukshetra University Vacancies 2012 Assistant Professors (279 Posts)

kukKurukshetra University Kurukshetra (Established by the State Legislature Act XII of 1956) requires 279 Nos. of Assistant Professors on contract basis in different disciplines for the session 2012-13 upto 31.05.2013  or till the academic session is over or regular appointments are made, whichever, is earlier.

Name of the Post

No of Vacancies

Scale of Pay

Assistant Professors in various disciplines


Rs.21600/- (consolidated) PM, Rs.15000/- for those in whose cases the condition of NET/SLET/Ph.D/ M.Tech. etc. is relaxed.

Educational Qualification: As prescribed qualification for the post of Assistant Professor by the UGC / State Govt./ AICTE/ University norms. If eligible candidates are not found available on interview the condition of NET/SLET/ Ph.D/ M.Tech. etc. may be relaxed.

Date of Interview: 12.06.2012 to 30.07.2012.

Detailed Notification: Click Here

by | Last Updated on 2012-06-04T14:38:54Z