27 March 2012

South Eastern Coalfields Limited Recruitment 2012 Para Medical Jobs

coal indiaSouth Eastern Coalfields Limited (SECL) Chhattisgarh (A Mini Ratna Company) a Subsidiary of Coal India Limited invites application for the following para-medical posts. After the appointment the candidates will have the benefit of other allowances,baside the Basic Salary,VDA, SDA as per rules of Coal India Limited under National Coal Wages Agreement-VIII.


Name of the post

No of Posts

Pay Scale


Staff Nurse, Tech.& Sup. Gr. C


Rs.  10127.70 PM


Pharmacist(Trainee), Tech.& Sup. Gr. C


Rs. 10127.70 PM


Technician (Radiographer) (Trainee), Tech.& Sup. Gr. C


Rs. 10127.70 PM


Jr. ECG Technician (Trainee), Tech.& Sup. Gr. D


Rs.  9367.07 PM

Age Limit: Minimum 18 years and Maximum General - 30 years, OBC-33 years and SC-35 years (As on 01-03-2012).

How To Apply: Application filled as prescribed format in plain  paper along with two attested passport size photographs should be sent by post, addressed to  General Manager (Man Power), South Eastern Coalfields Limited,  P.B.No. 60, Bilaspur (CG) Pin 495 006. Application will be accepted only by post. Name of the post “Post applied for ……………..”  should be mentioned clearly on the top of the right side of the envelope. he last date of receipt of Application is 10.04.2012.

Detailed Information: http://secl.gov.in/SECLNEWS/2254.pdf

by | Last Updated on 2012-03-27T13:42:21Z