19 August 2011

CDAC Noida Research Scholars 2011 Speech and Natural Language Processing

CDACCentre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), Noida (Department of Information Technology, Government of India)  is looking for Research Scholars for associating with the projects in the Areas of Speech and Natural Language Processing. The current projects include Hindi Speech Recognition and Machine Translation.

Language Pairs


English – Hindi, English – Urdu, English – Nepali, English – Punjabi, Hindi – Punjabi

Rs.25,000 Per Month

How To Apply: Candidates are required to apply online through www.cdacnoida.in/career.asp on or before 02.09.2011.

Detailed Advertisement and Online Registration: http://www.cdacnoida.in/Current_Job_Opportunities.asp

by | Last Updated on 2011-08-19T06:55:38Z