12 July 2011

ACTREC Recruitment 2011 Scientific Assistant | www.actrec.gov.in

ACTRECTata Memorial Centre, Advanced Centre for Treatment, Research and Education in Cancer (ACTREC) Navi Mumbai walk-in Interview for the post of Scientific Assistant. The post under the project of “A pilot study of уH2AX foci kinetics in peripheral blood lymphocytes as a biodosimeter of DNA damage during cervical cancer radiotherapy”.

Post Name

Consolidated Salary

Essential Qualification

Scientific Assistant

Rs.14,000/- P.M.

M.Sc. Biotechnology or M.Sc. Biochemistry or M.Sc. Life Sciences.

How To Apply: Candidates may attend walk in for interview on Tuesday 26th July, 2011 at 12.00 noon in Meeting Room 3rd Floor Khanolkar Shodhika, ACTREC, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai along with CV and original and attested copies of all certificates and testimonials.

Detailed Document: http://www.actrec.gov.in/data%20files/2011/Walk-in-Interview-SA%20%2826-07-2011%29.doc

by | Last Updated on 2011-12-15T08:18:13Z