10 August 2013

BEL Senior Assistant Engineer Recruitment 2013 (07 Posts)

BELBharat Electronics Limited (BEL) requires retired/ retiring on or before 01.09.2013 from Army/ Air force/ Navy personnel for the recruitment of Senior Assistant Engineer posts.

About BEL: A Govt. of India Enterprise under the Ministry of Defence, a Navaratna Company and India’s premier Professional Electronics company.

Post Name

No of posts

Age Limit

Pay Scale

Sr. Assistant Engineer (Short-term) in EI Grade

07 (Reservation for SC/ST/OBC/PHP will be as per Govt. rules). No. of posts may vary based on the requirement at the appropriate time.

52 years as on 01.09.2013

Rs.12,600 – 3% – 32,500/- . All emoluments put together, the CTC will be approximately around Rs.4, 50, 000/- per annum. TA/DA for out station duty will be given as per Company rules.

Eligibility: Army/ Air force/ Navy personnel with 3 years Diploma in Computer science, Electrical, Electrical and Electronics, Electronics, Electronics & Communication or Tele Communication discipline in the rank of JCO having 15 years & above post qualification (Professional) experience,  on short term employment basis in E-I grade (Executive) for a period of 5 years for its Telecom & Broadcasting Services SBU at New Delhi, Jorhat, Chandigarh and Guwahati.

Area of Experience: The applicants should have worked in one or more of the following areas: Communication systems, computers and Networks, Switching Equipments etc.

Selection Process: written test & interview.

How To Apply: Interested candidates may apply in the below attached application format indicating name, date of birth, category (SC/ST/OBC/PHP), date of joining Army /Navy /Air force, date of relieving, rank / qualification, date of acquiring diploma, experience in Army / Air force / Navy after acquiring diploma, details of last pay drawn in Army/Air Force/Navy, Present Pay (if employed & details of pension). The application should be accompanied with copies of age proof, qualification certificate, Army / Air force / Navy service details, SC/ST/OBC/PHP certificates & other relevant documents. The application super- scribing the post applied for on the envelope should reach the DM (HR/T&BS), Bharat Electronics Limited, Jalahalli post, Bangalore – 560013, within 15 days from the date of this advertisement.

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by | Last Updated on 2013-08-10T13:53:05Z