10 August 2013

SAIL Durgapur Recruitment 2013 Training of Nurses (40 Vacancies)

sailSteel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) ( A Govt. of India Enterprise) DURGAPUR STEEL PLANT, DURGAPUR –713203 – SAIL issued Proficiency Training of Nurses [Duration – 11 months]. The Hospital invites applications from interested qualified nurses for undertaking the “Proficiency Training’ in identified disciplines at DSP Hospital.

Post Name

No of Interns

Upper Age Limit (As on 30.6.2013)




30 years for General, 33 years for OBC & 35 years for SC&ST.

Rs.7500/- per month on attendance basis

Departments/disciplines: ICU/NICU/BICU,Medicine,Surgery,OBS & Gyn,Paediatrics,Casualty,Orthopaedics,Chest.

Qualification: a) B.Sc. / Diploma in General Nursing & Midwifery b) Internship Certificate, c) Certificate of Registration.

Daily Working hours: 8 Hours shift –One day off per week.

Accommodation: Shared accommodation subject to availability

Medical Facility: For self only at DSP Hospital during training

Leave: 15 days Special Leave.

Date of Interview: 26-08-2013 (tentative).

How To Apply: Sealed envelope containing filled-in applications on a plain paper , containing the following information regarding: Name of candidate, age, date of birth, address, telephone, passport size photograph, name of nursing training institute, year-wise details of B.Sc./ GNM exams (year, total and acquired marks, percentage) clearly super scribing “Application –Interview for Proficiency Training of Nurses at DSP Hospital” along with an undertaking should be submitted to AGM (P&A-M&HS), DSP Main Hospital, Durgapur, West Bengal, Pin code:713205 latest by 17th August, 2013 (within 5:00 PM).

Detailed Notification Here>>

by | Last Updated on 2013-08-10T12:52:03Z