08 January 2019

GEMI Recruitment 2019 Apply Online Project Assistants

Gujarat Environment Management Institute (GEMI) Gandhinagar invites application for the post of Professionals (Project Assistant) on daily basis and Temporary. The assignment is only for the fixed term for projects i.e. up to 31/03/2020.

About: The Gujarat Environment Management Institute (GEMI), An Autonomous Institute of Government of Gujarat.

Name of the Post

No of Vacancies

Professionals (Project Assistant)

20 (May be)

Qualification and Remuneration:

Qualification and Experience

Minimum Remuneration

Bachelor's Degree in Arts/Commerce/ Rural Studies/ Social Work/ Computer Applications/ Business Administration

₹ 330/- per day

Bachelor's Degree in Science in relevant branch OR Bachelor's Degree in Computer Applications OR Master's Degree in Arts/Commerce/ Rural Studies/ Social Work/ Business Administration

₹ 400/- per day

Bachelor's in Engineering in relevant branch OR Master's Degree in Science in relevant branch OR Master's Degree in Computer Applications OR Master's Degree in Management in relevant branch

₹ 500/- per day

Master's in Engineering in relevant branch OR M.Phil with Science in relevant branch

₹ 600/- per day

Ph.D. in relevant stream

₹ 660/- per day

Eligible candidates apply online through GEMI Online Application Form. The last date will be 21/01/2019.

Notification >> Apply Online >>

by | Last Updated on 2019-01-08T09:43:54Z