24 May 2017

Water Resources Secretariat Karnataka Recruitment 2017 Engineers (889 Vacancies)

Water Resources Secretariat Bengaluru (Karnataka State) invites applications for direct recruitment of Assistant Engineers and Junior Engineers in Karnataka Water Resources Department.

Name of the Post

Total Vacancies

No. of posts in the Residual Parent Cadre

No. of posts in the Local Cadre (Hyderabad- Karnataka Region)

Assistant Engineer


500 (Out of which 429 Civil Engineering and 71 Mechanical Engineering)

100 (Out of which 8 Civil Engineering and 02 Mechanical Engineering)

Junior Engineer


200 (Out of which 159 Civil Engineering and 41 Mechanical Engineering)

89 (Out of which 87 Civil Engineering and 02 Mechanical Engineering)

Pay Scales:

(a) Assistant Engineer -> ₹ 22800 - 43200/-
(b) Junior Engineer -> ₹ 16000 - 29600/-

Educational Qualifications:

Assistant Engineer -> Must be holder of a Degree in Civil or Mechanical Engineering as per the requirement as the case may be or must be holder of a Diploma Certificate from a recognized Institute of Engineers regarding pass in Parts - A and B of the AMIE.

Junior Engineer -> Must be a holder of a Diploma in Civil or Mechanical Engineering as per the requirement as the case may be from The Department of Technical Education in Karnataka.

Selection Process: Competitive Examination

Eligible Candidates apply within 15 days from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette (25th May 2017).

Notification >> Water Resources Secretariat Karnataka Official Website >>

by | Last Updated on 2017-05-24T16:00:02Z