27 April 2015

DIHAR Recruitment 2015 RA, JRF

Defence Institute of High Altitude Research (DIHAR), Chandigarh requires Research Associate (RA) and Junior Research Fellows (JRF). Walk in Interview will be held on 15th May 2015.

About: DIHAR situated at Leh-Ladakh is a frontier laboratory of DRDO that endeavours at providing nutrition, health and energy security for the troops through development of cold arid agro-animal technologies and herbal prophylactics from plants of trans-Himalayan region.


Post Name

No of Post

Age Limit


Research Associate (RA)


35 Years

M.Sc in Organic Chemistry with 04 years research experience including Ph.D. Candidates should have Ph.D in Natural Product Chemistry/Organic Synthesis completed or submitted their Ph.D thesis by 31 March 2015.

Junior Research Fellow (JRF)


28 Years

M.Sc Agriculture with NET Qualified in subject Plant Pathology/Entomology/Horticulture (Pomology)/Botany.

Interested candidates have to submit an attested copy of the mark sheets (Matriculation onwards) and certificates on reporting at the venue and produce original, mark sheets and certificates during the time of interview.

Walk in interview -> 15/05/2015 from 10:30 Hours onwards DIHAR Base laboratory, Near 3 BRD, Industrial Area, Phase-II, Chandigarh (Tele No. 0172-2639800 & 2638900).

DAVP Notification Here >>

by | Last Updated on 2015-04-27T05:21:35Z