10 March 2015

Chandigarh Administration Education Department Recruitment 2015 Teacher Posts (Deputation)

Education Department, Chandigarh Administration invites applications from eligible candidates holding analogous post on regular basis in Govt of Punjab Govt. of Haryana/ State Governments/ Union Territory Administrations to fill up following posts by transfer on deputation basis.

Name of Post


Lecturers (School cadre) (from Govt of Punjab/Govt of Haryana)

Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Commerce, Biology, Fine Arts, English, Hindi, Punjabi, Sansknt, Physical Education, Music, Home Science, History, Political Science, Geography, Economics, Psychology, Sociology

Masters' Mistresses

Science Non Medical, Social Studies, Mathematics, Fine Arts, English, Hindi, Punjabi, Sansknt, DPE, Music, Home Science, Science Medical

Junior Basic Teachers (JBT)


Eligible applicants may send their application through proper channel along with ACR's results for last 5 years. No complaint / Inquiry Certificate and Testimonials by 31/03/2015 to Director Public Instructions (Schools), Additional Deluxe Building, Sector-9, Chandigarh.

by | Last Updated on 2015-03-10T15:06:53Z