16 March 2014

DHFWS Puducherry Recruitment 2014 Staff Nurse, Dietician, Orthotic Technician, Fitter

DHFWS-PuducherryDirectorate of Health and Family Welfare Services (DHFWS) Government of Puducherry invites applications from Citizens and Natives / Residents of the Union Territory of Puducherry for filling up the post of Staff Nurse, Dietician, Orthotic Technician and Fitter. Eligible persons apply on or before 4th April 2014.

Advertisement No:A.12020/1/2014/E5/DHFW5

Post Code

Name of the Post

Total Vacancies

Pay Band + Grade Pay


Staff Nurse


PB-2 Rs.9300-34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4600/-




PB-2 Rs.9300-34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4200/-


Orthotic Technician


PB-2 Rs.9300-34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4200/-




PB-1 Rs.5200-20200 + Grade Pay Rs.1900/-

Age Limit: Between 18-32 years as on 04/04/2014. Age relaxation as per Govt. Rules.

Educational Qualifications:

Staff Nurse ->

(a) A pass in H.Sc. examination or its equivalent.
(b) Degree or Diploma in General Nursing and Midwifery / Psychiatric Nursing or its equivalent   from a recognised institution (and)
(c) Registration as a Nurse and Midwifery or equivalent in any State Nursing Council in India.

Dietician -> B.A. or B.Sc. Degree with Chemistry or Physiology as one of the subjects or a degree in Domestic Science, or Nursing or Medicine and Surgery of a University in the State or an equivalent degree of an Indian or a Foreign University and a diploma in Dietetics of the All India Institute of Hygiene and Public Health, Calcutta or any other Institution or body recognised by the Government of Madras. Or A degree in Home Science of a University in the State or equivalent degree of an Indian or a foreign University.

Orthotic Technician ->

(a) SSLC or its equivalent.
(b) Diploma in Prosthetics/Orthotics from a recognised reputed training institute.
(c) Experience: 3 years experience as Prosthetic / Orthotic Technician.

Fitter ->

(a) Should have passed III Form or its equivalent.
(b) Craftsmanship certificate issued by the Ministry of labour and employment, G.O.I. or by I.T.I. or by any other recognised institution in the trade concerned.
(c) Desirable: Experience for a period of not less than 2 years in a recognised workshop.

How To Apply: Application can be downloaded from official website (link available here) onwards and filled in application should be submitted along with the attested Photo-copies of the requisite testimonials in person or by "Registered Post with Acknowledgement Due" addressed to "The Director, Directorate of Health & Family Welfare Services, Victor Simonel Street, Old Maternity Hospital Building, Puducherry - 605001. Contact Tel No.: 0413-2229350 Fax : 0413­2339351" duly superscribing on the cover as "APPLICATION FOR RECRUITMENT TO THE POST OF______ / so as to reach the same on or before 04/04/2014 by 05:45 p.m.

Detailed Notification Here>> Download Application Format>>

by | Last Updated on 2014-03-16T05:02:54Z