12 June 2014

TIFR Recruitment 2014 Scientific Officer, Residents Engineer (05 Vacancies)

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) Hyderabad requires Experienced Executives (Retired/ Serving) under different disciplines on Temporary Basis. Eligible Person apply on or before 29th June 2014.

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Name of Post

No of Post


01 (UR)


01 (UR)


01 (UR)

Consolidated Fixed Salary: Rs.45,000 per month

Age Limit: Below 62 years as on 01-01-2014.

Qualification & Experience:

Resident Engineer (C) [Electrical[ -> (B.E) / (B. Tech.) or Diploma in Electrical Engineering or equivalent. Minimum 10 years experience in installations, operations and maintenance of Sub-station, transformer, switchgear, HT / LT panels, cabling. etc.

Resident Engineer (C) [Civil] -> (B.E) / (B. Tech.) or Diploma in Civil Engineering or equivalent. Minimum 10 years experience in construction and maintenance of Institutional buildings / Laboratories / Research Institutes / Campuses etc.

Resident Engineer (C) [Mechanical/ Hvac] -> (B.E) / (B. Tech.) or Diploma in Mechanical Engineering or equivalent.Minimum 10 years experience in installation, operations and maintenance of HVAC systems including Central AC Systems, Chillers, Cooling towers, AHU , Split A/C, Window A/C, Package A/c units etc.

How To Apply: Completed Application (Prescribed form) together with copies of relevant certificates/testimonials, two passport sized photographs and superscribing the post applied for on the envelope should reach "Senior Administrative Officer, TIFR CENTRE FOR INTERDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES, TATA INSTITUTE OF FUNDAMENTAL RESEARCH, 21, Brundavan Colony, Narsingi, CBIT Post Office, Gandipet
Road, Hyderabad - 500075" by 29/06/2014.

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Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR - Autonomous Institution of the Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India) Hyderabad invites application for the post of Scientific Officer to be filled by Direct Recruitment Basis.

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Post Name

No of Post

Scale of Pay

Age Limit

Job Location (HQ)

Scientific Officer (E)

01 (UR)

PB-3 Rs.15600-39100 + GP Rs.7600/-

40 Years


Scientific Officer (D)

01 (UR)

PB-3 Rs.15600-39100 + GP Rs.6600/-

35 Years



Scientific Officer (E) -> Ph. D in (Experimental) Physics with at least 7 years of post-doctoral experience.

Scientific Officer (D) -> Ph.D. in magnetic resonance related fields with a good academic record. 2 years of post-doctoral experience in magnetic resonance.

How To Apply: Application on the prescribed format (available on official notification). Applications giving full details together with copies of relevant certificates/testimonials in prescribed format and superscribing the post applied for on the envelope should be sent to "Senior Administrative Officer, TIFR C entre for Interdisciplinary Sciences, Plot No. 21, Brundavan Colony, Survey No. 161, G andipet Road, Narsingi Village, Gandipet Road, Rajendranagar Revenue Mandal,  Ranga   Reddy District, Hyderabad 500075" on or before 05/07/2014.

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by | Last Updated on 2014-06-12T07:47:18Z