19 October 2014

JRHU Recruitment 2014 Teaching, Non-Teaching Posts (49 Vacancies)

JRHU-Vacancies-2014Jagadguru Rambhadracharya Handicapped University (JRHU) Chitrakoot (Uttar Pradesh State) - 210 204 invites applications on prescribed proforma for recruitment of Faculty (Teaching) and Non-Teaching Posts. The last date for submission of applications is 15th November 2014.

Faculty (Teaching) Posts:

Name of Post

No of Vacancies



02 (Education (B.Ed/M.Ed) - 01, Social work (with Specialization Industrial Sociology) - 01)

Ph.D. with minimum 10 Years Experience.

Associate Professor

03 (B.Ed. Special Education-V.I. - 01, B.Ed. Special Education-H.I. - 01, Commerce & Management - 01)

Ph.D. with minimum 08 Years Experience.

Assistant Professor

20 (Computers Information Sciences - 02, Commerce & Management - 02, B.Ed. Special Education-V.I. - 01, Sanskrit - 02, Hindi - 02, English - 02, History - 02, Drawing & Painting - 01, Fine Art - 02, Social Work - 02, Psychology - 01, Music (Vocal) - 01)

Masters Degree / M.Ed.

Non-Teaching Posts:

Name of Post

No of Vacancies


Assistant Registrar (Publication)

01 (For Handicapped only)

Master's Degree with minimum 02 years experience.

Senior Demonstrator (Music-Vocal)

01 (UR)

Post Graduation in Music-Vocal. Two Years Exp. Computer Knowledge.

Jr. Engineer (Civil)

01 (UR)

Degree in Civil Engineering / Diploma with two years exp.

Lab Technician (Pathology)

01 (UR)

Graduation in Science group with Biology. Diploma in Pathology. Two Years Practical Experience.

Technician (Network & System Operator)

01 (UR)

Graduation, One year Diploma in Computer Hardware & Networking.

Lab Assistant- Computer Lab

01 (OBC)

B.C.A./PGDCA/PGDIT and one year experience of specific area.

Lab Assistant-B. Ed ./M/Ed

01 (OBC)

B.A. and B.Ed or equivalent (At least second class) with optional knowledge of computer.

Library Assistant

01 (UR)

Degree/Diploma in Library Science.

Proof Reader (For Printing Press)

01 (UR)

Post Graduation with Good Knowledge of Hindi, Sanskrit & English Language. Five years experience as proof reader in printing press.

Office Assistant (For Printing Press)

01 (UR)

Graduation with One Year Experience.

Computer Designer (For Printing Press)

01 (UR)

Graduation + Diploma in Computer & Knowledge of Computer designing + Two Years experience in Computer Designing.

Cook cum Care Taker (Guest House)

01 (UR)

High School (Matriculation) Pass. One year experience in specific field.


02 (01 UR, 01 OBC)

8th Class Pass & LMV License.


02 (01 UR, 01 OBC)

High School & ITI Diploma in Electrical trade or equivalent. Two years experience in specific field.

Braille Instructor

01 (UR)

Graduate with Two years Diploma in Special Education (Visual Impairment) Recognized by RCI. Thorough knowledge of Braille. Two years teaching experience.


02 (OBC)

8th class pass and Knowledge of gardening.

Pump Operator (IV Class)

03 (UR)

8th class pass.

Lady Attendant (Girls Hostel)

01 (UR)

5th class pass.

Lady Sweeper (Girls Hostel)

01 ( SC)

5th class pass.

Salary: As per UGC/University norms.

How To Apply: Eligible Candidates may send their applications on prescribed format along with Demand Draft of Rs.500/- (Rs.300/- for SC/ST) payable at UBI, Jankikund, Chitrakoot (Branch Code : 542148) or S.B.I. Chitrakoot (Branch Code 3869) in favour of Finance Officer, J.R.H. University, Chitrakoot and send it to "The Registrar, J.R.H. University, Chitrakoot (U.P.)". The applications complete in all respects, must reach University up to 15/11/2014.

Detailed Advertisement >>

Jagadguru Rambhadracharya Handicapped University (JRHU) Chitrakoot (Uttar Pradesh) issued recruitment advertisement for the following Teaching / Non-Teaching Positions. Eligible candidates apply on or before 25th January 2014.

Name of Posts

No of Posts


01 (UR)

Finance Officer

01 (UR)

Controller of Examination

01 (UR)

Assistant Professor (Education)

02 (01-UR, 01-SC)

Eligibility: UGC norms and University Statutes provisions will apply.

Salary: As per norms.

How To Apply: Candidates may send their applications on prescribed format along with Demand Draft of Rs.500/- (for SC/ST'PWD Rs.300/-) payable at UBI, Janklkund. Chitrakoot (Branch Code: 542148) or S.B.I. Chitrakoot (Branch Code 3869) in favour of Finance Officer, J.R.H. University, Chitrakoot and send it to the Registrar, JR.H. University. Chitrakoot (U.P). The Applications complete in all respects, must reach University upto 25/01/2014. Further details check out official website (www.jrhu.com)


by | Last Updated on 2014-10-19T06:34:16Z