04 January 2013

The Shipping Corporation of India Ltd Recruitment 2013 Junior Engineers

SCIThe Shipping Corporation of India Limited (A Government of India Enterprise) invites applications from Unmarried Male and Female Marine Engineers  (Bachelor of Engineering/Bachelor of Technology/Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering) for Shipboard Training as Junior Engineer.

Post Name

Age Limit


Junior Engineers

Not exceeding 28 years as on 01/04/2013

Rs.25000/- per month

Educational Qualification: Four year degree(Bachelor of Engineering/Bachelor of Technology/Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering)  from Directorate General of Shipping (DG ),and AICTE Approved Engineering

Medical Standard: Candidate must have good health and be fit for sea service as per existing MS Medical rules 2000 applicable to sea farers. Defective colour vision (colour blindness) NOT accepted.

Application Fee: Rs.1000/- for General (UR) & OBC candidate’s and no fees for SC & ST candidate’s.

How To Apply: Application in the prescribed format. On downloaded application form, candidates are required, to paste the recent passport size photo in the space indicated, put his/her signature in the place and send the same application form along with the ATTESTED PHOTOCOPIES BY GAZZETED OFFICER ONLY of enclosures like (PP,CDC, INDOS NO,SSC/HSC Passing Certificate for birth proof, All semester mark sheets, Degree Certificate, Caste certificate, Caste Validity Certificate, MEO CL IV Part A,(Exn-45 Certificate) OR certificate issued by respective institute indicating that candidate has successfully completed shore base pre sea training , Yellow fever vaccination certificate, Police Clearance Certificate (PCC), STCW Familiarization courses and endorsements) & Original Application Fees deposit receipt received from Bank, only
by ORDINARY POST (No Courier/Hand delivery/Speed Post/Registered Post/any other mode)  to the following address super scribing the envelop as   "Application for Junior Engineer”, addressed to Vice President ,Fleet Personnel Dept i/c,Third Floor,The Shipping Corporation Of India Ltd., Shipping House,245, Madam Cama Road, Nariman point, Mumbai 400 021,Maharashtra,India on or before  1700hrs. 15th  Feb

Detailed Information: http://www.shipindia.com/pdf/MediaSpeak/JE2013-2309d8.pdf

by | Last Updated on 2013-01-04T13:47:09Z