Chandigarh Transport Undertaking (CTU) department of Atomic, Government of India invites online applications for 114 posts of Bus Drivers in Chandigarh Transport Undertaking, Chandigarh.
Post Name | No of Posts | Age Limit | Pay Scale |
Bus Drivers | 114 (UR-48, SC-21, OBC-34, Ex-SM - 11 (UR-5, SC-2, OBC-4)) | 25-35 years | Rs. 5910 - 20200 grade pay Rs.2400/- |
Educational Qualification: Matric pass (ii) valid licence for Heavy vehcles and at least 5 years experience.
Application Fee: Rs.400/- (Rs.200/- for SC and Ex.-SM) to be deposited in any branch of SBI.
How To Apply: Eligible candidates are required to apply online on or before 10/12/2012.
by Admin | Last Updated on 2012-12-01T14:37:23Z