15 August 2012

High Court of Karnataka Recruitment 2012 Hardware Engineer and Software Technician

Office of the Registrar General, High Court of Karnataka, High Court Buildings, Bangalore recruitment of candidates to the posts of Hardware Engineer and Software Technician. Applications in the prescribed proforma appended hereto are invited from the candidates, who are qualified as on the last date fixed for receipt of applications for recruitment to One  post of Hardware Engineer and One post of Software Technician.

Name of the Post

No of Posts


Hardware Engineer


I Class in B.E.  (Electronics/Electricals) and knowledge of :
Networking, Commissioning of LAN / WAN MAN, Fixing the active and passive components of networking. 
Windows Server.

Software Technician


I Class in B.E. (Electronics/Computer Science) OR I Class in M.C.A. OR I Class in M.Sc (Computer Science/Electronics)

Scale of Pay: Rs.11400-300-12300-350-14400-400-16800-450-19500-525-21600/-

Age Limit: 40 years in the case of a person belonging to any of the Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes or Category-I of other Backward Classes. 38 years in the case of a person belonging to any of the Category-II(a) or II(b) or III(a) or III(b) of Other Backward Classes; and 35 years for others.

The Last date for receipt of applications: 07/09/2012 by 5:00 PM.

Detailed Information: http://karnatakajudiciary.kar.nic.in/recruitmentNotificatioNS/Software%20&%20Hardware%20Notification.pdf

by | Last Updated on 2012-08-15T11:44:29Z