Government Medical College and Hospital (GMCH), Chandigarh (Department of Medical Education & Research) invites application in the prescribed format for the post of Senior Residents, Resident Anaesthetist, Resident Pathologist, CMO, Demonstrators and MO.
S.No | Name of the Post | No of Vacancies | Pay Scale |
1. | Senior Residents | 72 | Rs. 15600-39100 + GP Rs.6600/- |
2. | Resident Anesthetist | 05 | Rs. 15600-39100 + GP Rs.6600/- |
3. | Resident Pathologist | 02 | Rs. 15600-39100 + GP Rs.6600/- |
4. | Casualty Medical Officer (General Medicine) | 01 | Rs. 15600-39100 + GP Rs.6600/- |
5. | Casualty Medical Officer (General Surgery) | 01 | Rs. 15600-39100 + GP Rs.6600/- |
6. | Demonstrator | 22 | Rs.10300-34800 + GP Rs.500/- |
7. | Medical Officer (MO) / Lady Medical Officer (LMO) | 02 | Rs. 15600-39100 + GP Rs.5400/- |
Application Fee: Rs. 100/- (25/- for SC candidates) (non refundable) in the shape of Demand Draft, payable at Chandigarh, drawn in favour of Director Principal, Government Medical College & Hospital, Sector-32, Chandigarh alongwith application duly completed should be submitted in the office of the undersigned on or before 26.06.2012 upto 04.00 PM.
How To Apply: The applications (Prescribed format) duly completed in all respects, along with the attested photocopies of the certificates/ testimonials and application fee should reach the office of the undersigned on or before 26.06.2012 by 04.00 PM.
Detailed Notification:
Apply online:
by Admin | Last Updated on 2012-06-17T14:33:18Z