15 April 2012

Visva Bharati Santiniketan Recruitment 2012 Professors, Engineers and Draftsman

visva bharatiVisva Bharati Santiniketan, a Central University and an “institution of national importance” invites application for the faculty, engineer, draftsman and steno typist positions. Advertisement No.05/2012.


Name of the Post

Age Limit

Pay Scale


Professor of IGCNI (SC)

45 Years

PB-4, Rs. 37,400-67,000 with AGP Rs.10,000/-


Associate Professor of Botany, Deptt. of Botany, Siksha Bhavana (ST)

40 Years

PB-4, Rs. 37,400-67,000 with AGP Rs.9,000/-


Associate Professor of Hindi, Deptt. of Hindi, Bhasha Bhavana (ST)

40 Years

PB-4, Rs. 37,400-67,000 with AGP Rs.9,000/-


Assistant Professor of Physics, Deptt. of Physics, Siksha Bhavana (PH)

35 Years

PB-3, Rs. 15,600-39,100 with AGP Rs.6,000/-


Assistant Professor of Computer & System Sciences, Deptt. of Computer & System Sciences, Siksha Bhavana (SC)

35 Years

PB-3, Rs. 15,600-39,100 with AGP Rs.6,000/-


Assistant Professor of Physical Education, Deptt. of Physical Education, Vinaya
Bhavana (ST)

35 Years

PB-3, Rs. 15,600-39,100 with AGP Rs.6,000/-


Assistant Professor of Rabindra Sangit, Deptt. of RMDD, Sangit Bhavana (SC)

35 Years

PB-3, Rs. 15,600-39,100 with AGP Rs.6,000/-


Assistant Professor of Rabindra Sangit, Deptt. of RMDD, Sangit Bhavana (ST)

35 Years

PB-3, Rs. 15,600-39,100 with AGP Rs.6,000/-


Assistant Professor of Drama & Theatre Art, Deptt. of RMDD, Sangit Bhavana (SC)

35 Years

PB-3, Rs. 15,600-39,100 with AGP Rs.6,000/-


Junior Engineer, Electrical (ST)

35 Years

PB-2, Rs. 9,300 – 34,800 with Grade Pay Rs.4,200/-


Junior Engineer, Estimator, Civil (ST)

35 Years

PB-2, Rs. 9,300 – 34,800 with Grade Pay Rs.4,200/-


Draftsman, PCK (SC)

35 Years

B-1, Rs. 5,200-20,200 with Grade Pay Rs.2,800/-


Draftsman, Grade-II, (Civil), (OBC)

35 Years

PB-1, Rs. 5,200-20,200 with Grade Pay Rs.2,400/-


Steno Typist (ST)

35 Years

PB-1, Rs. 5,200-20,200 with Grade Pay Rs.2,400/-

Application Fee:

1.For pay scale of PB-3, Rs. 15,600-39,100 with AGP Rs.5,400.and above - Rs. 400/-
2.For pay scale up to PB-2, Rs.   9,300-34,800 with Grade Pay Rs.4,200 - Rs. 200/-

How To Apply: Prescribed application form will be made available  by post (against written request to ‘Registrar’s Office, Visva-Bharati, P.O.-Santiniketan, Pin- 731235’) if a candidate sends a self addressed and stamped (Rs 15) envelope (size 11 cm X 26 cm) along with an a/c payee Demand Draft drawn on State Bank of India, Santiniketan branch (2121), in favour of Accounts Officer, Visva-Bharati towards application fee. The Last date for submission of filled -in application forms is 31st May, 2012 (before 5.00  p.m.).

Detailed Information: http://www.visva-bharati.ac.in/appointments/Advt%2005-2012-Final-Backlog-Vacancy.pdf

Application Format: http://www.visva-bharati.ac.in/appointments/appl-form-employee.pdf

by | Last Updated on 2012-04-15T09:17:18Z