20 April 2012

BECIL Jobs 2012 Archival Assistant

BECILBroadcast Engineering Consultants India Limited (BECIL) (A Government of India Enterprise) invites applications for the post of Archival Assistant for Doordarshan Kendra, Delhi on contractual engagement basis.

Name of the Post

No of Posts

Consolidated Fee


Archival Assistant


Rs.10,000 Per Month

Graduation with diploma in Library Science/ Journalism (OR) Graduate with 2 years experience in archival system/ Library.

How To Apply: Application forms can be obtained from Corporate Office or downloaded from official website. Completed form along with CV, copies of educational / experience certificates and registration fee of Rs. 200/- by cash or by demand draft drawn in favour of Broadcast Engineering Consultants India Limited payable at New Delhi must reach BECIL Corporate Office by April 27, 2012.

Detailed Information: http://www.becil.net/Jobs/Advertisement%20for%20Web_17Apr2012.pdf

by | Last Updated on 2012-04-20T12:17:13Z