17 March 2012

UKPSC Forest Rangers Recruitment Examination 2012 (60 Posts)

UKPSCUttarakhand Publi Service Commission (UKPSC) Haridwar invites application in the prescribed OMR format from Indian Citizens for the post of  Forest Rangers, the posts will be filled through Preliminary and Main examinations.

Name of the post

No of Vacancies

Age Limit

Scale of Pay

Forest Rangers

60 (UR-38, SC-11,OBC-11)

21 to 35 Years as on 01/07/2012

Rs. 9300-34800 Grade Pay Rs. 4800/-

Application Fee: Rs.220/- (Rs.130/- for SC/ST/PH candidates of Uttarakhand) for preliminary examination for the cost of application form Rs.150 + postal department fee Rs.10 + postage stamp Rs.30/-

How To Apply: Application the OMR format only which are available at the select Post Offices/ Sub Offices in the districts of Uttarakhand. Completed in all respects must reach the Secretary, Uttarakhand Public Service Commission, Gurukul Kangri, Haridwar-249404 at the commission office either by registered post/ speed post or personally (by hand) on or before 03/04/2012.

Detailed Info: http://ukpsc.gov.in/upload/downloads/Download-6.pdf

by | Last Updated on 2012-03-17T13:12:53Z