17 March 2012

Central Bank of India Jobs 2012 Chief Customer Service Officer

CBICentral Bank of India (CBI), a leading Public Sector Bank, with Pan India Branch Network of more than 3985 branches, with total business of more than 319000 Crores and driven by talented work force of 36000 + employees, is looking for  retired  General Manager of a Scheduled Commercial Bank (other than Central Bank of India), having experience of operational side.

Post Name

Age Limit

Contract period

Contract Amount

Chief Customer
Service Officer

on Contract Basis

Less than 62 years

The candidate shall be appointed on Contract basis for a period of 2/3 years.

Rs.60,000/-  per month

Eligibility: The applicant should have superannuated or have taken VRS at the level of General Manager from a Scheduled Commercial Bank. He should have the exposure in working  of Operational side of the Bank and should have minimum 10  years experience in the branch and/or Regional Manager and/or Zonal Manager.

Application Fee: Rs.1000/-  payable by way of Draft drawn on any Nationalized/Scheduled Bank drawn in favour of “Central Bank of India- Recruitment of CCSO” and payable at Mumbai.

How To Apply: Application in the prescribed format. Completed application reach to “General Manager- HRD,  Central Bank of India,  Chander Mukhi, 17th floor,  Nariman Point Mumbai- 400 02.” Last date for receipt of application is 04.04.2012. The Superscribing “Application for the post of Chief Customer Service Officer”.

Detailed Advertisement: http://www.centralbankofindia.co.in/upload/Adv_ccso.pdf

by | Last Updated on 2012-03-17T13:31:45Z