07 October 2011

SPCBL Recruitment 2011 for Assistant General Manager

SPCBLThe Surat People’s Co-Operative Bank Limited is a leading Scheduled Urban Co-operative Bank of Gujarat with 23 Branches and having business mix of over Rs.2000 Crore. SPCBL invites application for the post of Assistant General Manager.

Post Title

Below Age Limit




Assistant General Manager

50 Years

Rs.54000/- P.M.

Graduate / CAIIB

Scale III in a Nationalized Bank or Equivalent position in any bank having business mix of more than Rs.1000 crores and 20 years services an officer.

How To Apply: Candidates are required to apply online on or before 21/10/2011.

Detailed Information: http://spcbl.in/job.php

by | Last Updated on 2011-10-07T07:02:26Z