07 August 2011

DOEACC Chandigarh Recruitment 2011 System Assistants

doeaccDOEACC Society, Chandigarh Centre under Department of IT, Ministry of Comm. & IT, Govt. of India invites application for the post of System Assistants in High Court of Himachal Pradesh and in the District Courts at Bilaspur, Chamba, Hamirpur, Dharmshala, Kullu, Mandi, Nahan, Rampur,Shimla, Solan and Una purely on contract basis for specific period.

Post Name

Age Limit


System Assistants

Not Exceeding 30 years of age as on 1st August,2011

Government Recognized Diploma from ITI or equivalent after 10th Standard.

Date of Interview:  20th August,2011 at 10.00 a.m.

Venue of Interview:  O/o Registrar(Vigilance)-cum-CPC, High Court of H.P.,Shimla-171001.

How To Apply: The interested candidates possessing the requisite qualification etc. are required to submit their application duly filled-in in all respect ,accompanied by the attested copies of certificates and a bank draft for Rs 350/= drawn in favour of Director, DOEACC Society, Chandigarh Centre, Branch Office Shimla, payable at Shimla being registration fee which should reach this office on or before the 16th August,2011.The selection of candidates shall strictly be made on the basis of their performance in viva-voce scheduled to be held on 20th August,2011.

Detailed Advertisement: http://doeaccchd.edu.in/jobs/aug11/advt-high-court.htm

by | Last Updated on 2011-12-15T08:17:16Z