02 May 2011

National Polio Surveillance Project (NPSP) Recruitment 2011 of Surveillance Medical Officers

npspNational Polio Surveillance Project (NPSP) is a Government of India – WHO Collaboration. NPSP invites application for the post of Surveillance Medical Officers (SMO's) for Uttar Pradesh / Bihar.'

Name of the Post

Pay Scale


Surveillance Medical Officers

Rs. 90,000/- per month onwards at FG 5(1) / (2) / (3), taxable as per Indian laws.

1.MBBS with at least two years experience in implementing public health programs OR MBBS with a post graduation in Preventive and Social Medicine/Pediatrics/Public Health. Physicians with relevant post-graduate degrees/diploma will be preferred;
2. Knowledge of computer applications essential
3. Strong analytic, networking and advocacy skills essential.

How To Apply: Interested candidates are requested to send their resume at careers@npsuindia.org on or before 27th May 2011.

Detailed Information: http://www.npsuindia.org/smo.asp

by | Last Updated on 2011-05-02T07:22:00Z