RsiCOMP Into Services limited a company established by Government of Rajasthan company, in the field of Information Technology requires following professionals. It is a leading consulting organization in the field of Information Technology. RajCOMP Info Services Ltd. (RISL) operates under the aegis of Government of Rajasthan.
S No | Name of Post | No. of Posts | Upper Age Limit | Pay-Scale | Qualification |
1 | Executive Director | 1 | 55 Years | 37400-87000 GP- 6700 | B.E/B Tech. Masters degree in Computer Science /IT + 25 years post qualification working experience in the field of IT. |
2 | Manager | 2 | 42 Years | 15500-391Of. GP480C | B.E/B Tech. Masters degree in Computer Science /IT + 12 years post qualification working experience in the field of IT. |
3 | Asstt Manager (Technical) | 5 | 28 Years | •5t.:0-3rJ-OL' GP-5400 | B.E/B Tech. Masters degree in Computer Science /IT + 02 years post qualification working experience in the field of IT. |
4 | Asstt. Manager (Finance) | 1 | 28 Years | 15600-39100 GP-5400 | MBA (full time)with specialization in Finance from a University established by Law n India or Chartered Accountant from the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. 2 years of post qualification working. |
5 | Company Secretary | 1 | 28 |As on 01,012011) | GP-5400 | Company Secretary from the institute of Company Secretaries of India 2 years post qualification experience of working as a Company Secretary. |
Last Date for receipt of application is 4th May 2011.
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by Admin | Last Updated on 2011-04-13T07:22:28Z