18 March 2011

WAPCOS Limited Recruitment 2011 of Engineers | WAPCOS Limited Jobs 2011 | www.wapcos.gov.in

WAPCOS Limited, (A Government of India Undertaking) A Mini Ratna Schedule ‘B’ Public Sector Consultancy Organization needs Engineers (Civil/Computer) / Junior Engineers (Civil).


Name of the Post

Age Limit

Scale of Pay



Engineers (Civil / Computer)

30 Years

Rs. 16400 – 40500/- PM

B.E./ B.Tech. (Civil / Computer) with Minimum 2 Years Experience.


Junior Engineers (Civil)

30 Years

Rs. 10000-23400/- PM

Diploma in Civil Engineering.

How To Apply: Interested Candidates fulfilling the eligibility conditions may send their CV in the prescribed form to Chief Project Director, WAPCOS Limited, Regional Office, IInd Floor, SCO 826, NAC, Manimajra, Chandigarh with in 15 Days from the date of release of the advertisement date (16/03/2011).

Detailed Information: http://www.wapcos.gov.in/writereaddata/Uploads/JobDocs/7f90b047-9ee2-401c-9afe-bb24cc247407_1%20002.jpg

by | Last Updated on 2011-03-18T11:03:14Z