12 May 2019

RIMS Raichur Recruitment 2019 - Apply for 21 Faculty Vacancies

Raichur Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS) (A Government Autonomous Institution), Raichur, Karnataka state walk in interview for teaching staff posts of Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professors in various disciplines. The Interview scheduled to be held on 27th May 2019.

Name of the Post

Total Vacancies

Assistant Professor


Associate Professor




Vacancy disciplines: Physiology, Biochemistry, Pathology, Community Medicine, General Medicine, TB & Chest, Peadiatrics, Orthopedics, OBG, Anesthesiology, Radiology.

Qualification and Experience: Ph.D. and Post Graduate. As per MCI Norms is mandatory.

Application Fee: A Non refundable fee of ₹ 500/- in form of Demand Draft (DD). The DD in favour of "The Director, Raichur, Institute of Medical Sciences, Raichur".

How to Apply: The applicants shall submit application form along with application fee (DD) with required documents should reach to "The Director, Raichur Institute of medical Sciences, Raichur" on or before 23/05/2019 up to 4:00 PM.

Notification and Application Form >>

by | Last Updated on 2019-05-12T12:12:59Z