26 February 2019

MSETCL Recruitment 2019 Executive Directors

Maharashtra State Electricity Transmission Company limited (MSETCL)invites applications from dynamic, talented and professional persons for recruitment posts of Executive Directors on Contract Basis for 3 years, subject to performance review every year. The last date for receipt of applications is 28th February 2019.

About: MSETCL, a wholly owned corporate entity under the Maharashtra Government, was incorporated under the Companies Act, in June, 2005 after restructuring the erstwhile Maharashtra State Electricity Board to transmit electricity from its point of Generation to its point of Distribution.

Employment Advertisement No. 01/2019

Name of the Post

No of Vacancy

Executive Director (Trans)


Executive Director (MSLDC)


Maximum Age: 59 years.

Pay Scale: Pay Scale: ₹ 48890 - 2150 - 94040/-

Educational Qualification: Bachelors Degree in Electrical Engineering / Technology. Minimum 15 years experience in the Power Sector.

Selection Process: Normally Competency Mapping Test will be conducted for selection process which will comprise of In-Basket Exercises, Group Discussion, Case Discussion, Presentation Skill  and Personal Interview.

Application Fee: ₹ 800/- in the form of Demand Draft (DD) payable to the 'Maharashtra State Electricity Transmission Company Ltd.' drawn on any nationalized bank payable at Mumbai.

How to Apply: Prescribed Application duly filled in & signed, Original Demand Draft and attested copies of certificates in support of age, qualifications, Post Qualification experience specifically showing date of joining and relief, posts held, Salary Slips / proofs (for deciding specific experience), etc. should be sent / submitted well in advance to “The Chief General Manager (HR), Maharashtra State Electricity Transmission Company Ltd, Prakashganga, E-Block, Plot No, C-19, 7th floor, HR Department, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai-400051” to reach on or before 28/02/2019. The  envelope containing duly filled in and signed application, DD and copies of testimonials should be superscribed as “Application for the post of_____________ Advt. No. 01/2019”.

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by | Last Updated on 2019-02-26T05:26:02Z