26 November 2017

MOIL Limited Recruitment 2017 Chief, Manager, Steno, Nurse

MOIL Limited (A Government of India Enterprise), Nagpur invites applications from vibrant candidates (for its Mines / H.O,) for the post of Chief (Survey), Assistant Manager (Survey), Junior Steno and Nurse C Midwife-II. The last date for submission of applications is 8th December 2017.

Name of the Post

No of Vacancy

Age Limit

Scale of Pay

Chief (Survey)


Below 44 Years

₹ 29100 - 3% - 54500/-

Assistant Manager (Survey)


Below 28 Years

₹ 12600 – 3% – 32500/-

Junior Steno


Up to 30 Years

₹ 10300 - 260 – 18100/-

Nurse C Midwife-II


Up to 30 Years

₹ 10100-240-17300/-

Educational Qualifications:

Chief (Survey) ->

(1) a) Graduate from a recognized University / Institute or equivalent, b) Surveyor's certificate of Competency (U/R). OR a) Diploma in Mining and Mine Surveying / Diploma in Civil Engineering or equivalent, along with exemption certificate of Surveyor's (U/R).
(2) Minimum 11 years' experience in Surveying U/G mines, out of which 2 years experience in immediate lower scale (IDA) or equivalent (CDA) for external candidate and for internal candidate 1 year.

Assistant Manager (Survey) ->

(1) a) Graduate from a recognized University /Institute or equivalent, b) Surveyor's certificate of Competency (U/R). OR a) Diploma in Mining and Mine Surveying/Diploma in Civil Engineering or equivalent, along with exemption certificate of Surveyor's (U/R).
(2) 2 years post qualification experience.

Junior Steno ->

(1) Graduate.
(2) Having passed English/Hindi Shorthand at a speed of 80 WPM from Technical Board of Education.
(3) Having passed English / Hindi Typewriting test at a Speed of 40/30 WPM respectively from Technical Board of Education.
(4) To qualify in Shorthand and Typewriting tests at the speeds indicated above, to be conducted by a Selection Committee.
(5) Minimum 3 years as Stenographer in a big reputed organization.

Nurse C ->

(1) Nurse-Midwifery Certificate from a recognized Institute / Hospital.
(2) 1 year minimum experience as Nurse / Midwife after acquiring Nurse Midwifery / Certificate.

Selection Process: Written Test / Trade Test / Personal Interview.

Application Fee: A Demand Draft (DD) for ₹ 500/- for the post of Chief (Survey), ₹ 100/- for the post of Assistant Manager (Survey) and ₹ 50/- for the post of Jr.Steno and Nurse-C-Midwife, drawn in favour of MOIL Limited, Nagpur. The is not required for SC, ST, PWD Category Candidates.

How to Apply: Desirous candidates may send their applications super scribing on the envelope "The name of the post applied-______" to the undersigned, along with detailed bio-data (Prescribed Proforma). The Duly filled application along with self attested copies of Certificates and testimonials along with Application Fee (DD) reach to Moil Limited. The Last date of receipt of applications is 08/12/2017.

Details and Application Form >>

by | Last Updated on 2017-11-26T06:01:01Z