27 April 2017

Command Hospital Lucknow Recruitment 2017 Group C Posts (17 Vacancies)

Command Hospital (Central Command), Lucknow invites applications from Indian Citizens for Group 'C' vacancy positions of Safaiwali, Mali, Painter, Ward Shayika, Barber, Messenger and Safaiwala. The closing date for receipt of applications is 30th April 2017.

Name of the Post

No of Vacancies







Ward Shayika

04 (01 for PWD OH)


03 (01 for PWD HH)





Age Limit: 18 to 25 years as on last date of receipt of application (Relaxation of age as per the Govt rules for reserve categories against reserved vacancies)

Pay Structure (As per RPR-2016): ₹ 18,000/- (Level-01/Index-01) in the Pay Matrix Plus other allowances admissible from time to time (for all posts)

Place of Job: Command Hospital (CC) Lucknow with all India Service liability.

Educational Qualification: Matriculation or equivalent from a recognized Board (for all posts).

Selection Process: Written Exam and qualifying practical test will be conducted at Command Hospital (CC), Lucknow. The syllabus for the written exam will be based on the minimum educational qualification prescribed for post. A bench mark percentage obtained in matric will be fixed depending on number of applicants for written examination. Only the eligible candidates will be called for the written and qualifying practical examination. The decision of appointing authority will be final and no (NO) appeal will be entertained. Date/ Time of written exam/ qualifying practical test will be intimated by Admit Card.

How to Apply: Application (on A4 size paper) as per prescribed application format. The duly filled application along with recent passport size photograph (4.5cm x 3.5 cm) (photograph should not be more than 3 months old) and relevant documents to be sent to "The Commandant, Command Hospital (Central Command) Lucknow 226002" by Registered/ Speed Post only. No applications will be received by hand or by ordinary post.

The envelop of application will be super-scribed with “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF ____” while sending the application form. The last date of receipt of applications is 30/04/2017.

Notification and Application Form >>

by | Last Updated on 2017-04-27T06:51:18Z