23 January 2017

DOP North Bengal Region Recruitment 2017 Doctors

Department of Posts (DOP), North Bengal Region, Siliguri issued Recruitment Notification for Engagement of Doctors on contract basis in Postal Dispensaries of Jalpaiguri and Siliguri. The last date for receipt of applications is 15th February 2017.

Name of Post

Age Limit

Monthly Salary


Not exceed 62 Years

₹ 62,000/- Per Month

Contract Period: The appointee will be initially engaged for a period of six months, extendable periodically on a six monthly basis for a period not exceeding a maximum of two years or till the age of 65 years or till the regular incumbent joins, whichever is the earlier.

Minimum Qualification: MBBS Degree.

The application must reach the office of the undersigned on or before 15/02/2017 by Registered Post or Speed post only. The application should be super scribed as "Application for engagement of Doctors on contract basis".

Detailed Notification >>

by | Last Updated on 2017-01-23T15:11:06Z