17 February 2018

SVBP Meerut Recruitment 2018 Teaching Posts (15 Vacancies)

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel University of Agriculture and Technology, Meerut - 250110 invites application in the prescribed application form for vacancy position of following teaching positions. The closing date for submission of applications is 17th March 2018.

Advertisement No. I / 2018

A. Directorate of Research:

Name of the Post

No of Vacancy

Director Agricultural Experiment Station


Joint Director Research


B. Directorate of Extension:

Name of the Post

No of Vacancy

Director Extension


Joint Director Extension


C. College of Agriculture:

Name of the Post

No of Vacancy

Professor (Basic Science)


Professor (Agriculture Extension)


Professor (Horticulture)


Professor (Agriculture Economics & Management)


Professor (Agriculture Biotechnology)


Professor (Genetics and Plant Breeding)


Associate Professor (Basic Science - A. Mathematics 01 and B. Statistics 01)


Associate Professor (Agriculture Economics & Management)


Pay Scale:

(1) Director/ Professor/ Joint Director -> ₹ 37400-67000 + ₹ 10,000 AGP (Starting basic pay ₹ 43000/- + AGP)
(2) Director/ Professor/ Joint Director -> ₹ 37400-67000 + ₹ 9000 AGP

Educational Qualifications:

Director Agricultural Experiment Station -> (i) Ph.D. degree in any branch of Agricultural Sciences with consistently good academic record. (ii) The tenure of the Director will be for a period of 05 years, subject to other rules of service, age bar etc. in the university (iii) An eminent scientist having proven record of scientific contribution/working in a reputed organization/institute having at least 15 years T/R/E experience from recognized Govt. Institutions in the relevant subject as Assistant Professor of 02 yrs. Must be at the level of Associate Professor or equivalent and 05 years must be at the level of Professor (pre revised scale Rs. 37400-67000) or in an equivalent position. (iv) Evidence of contribution to T/R/E education as supported by published work/innovations. (Published work with a minimum of 10 publications as books and/or research/policy papers).

Joint Director Research -> (i) Ph.D. degree in any branch of Agriculture or allied Sciences. (ii) 10 years experience T/R/E provided 02 years experience as a Associate Professor (pre-revised)/revised pay scale as per 6th pay commission or in an equivalent position. (iii) Evidence of contribution to T/R/E as supported by published work/innovations (Published work with a minimum of 10 publications as books and/or research/policy papers).

Director Extension -> (i) Ph.D. degree in any branch of Agricultural Sciences or allied Sciences with consistently good academic record. (ii) The tenure of the Director will be for a period of 05 years, subject to other rules of service, age bar etc. in the university (iii) An eminent scientist having proven record of scientific contribution/working in a reputed organization/institute having at least 15 years T/R/E experience from recognized Govt. Institutions in the relevant subject as Assistant Professor of 02 yrs. Must be at the level of Associate Professor or equivalent and 05 years must be at the level of Professor (pre revised scale Rs. 37400-67000) or in an equivalent position. (iv) Evidence of contribution to T/R/E education as supported by published work/innovations. (Published work with a minimum of 10 publications as books and/or research/policy papers).

Joint Director Extension ->  (i) Ph.D. degree in any branch of Agriculture or allied. (ii) 10 years experience T/R/E provided 02 years experience as a Associate Professor (pre-revised)/revised pay scale as per 6th pay commission or in an equivalent position. (iii) Evidence of contribution to T/R/E as supported by published work/innovations (Published work with a minimum of 10 publications as books and/or research/policy papers).

Professor (Basic Science) -> (i) Ph.D. degree in Chemistry. (ii) 10 years experience T/R/E provided 02 years experience as a Associate Professor (pre-revised)/revised pay scale as per 6th pay commission or in an equivalent position. (iii) Evidence of contribution to T/R/E as supported by published work/innovations (Published work with a minimum of 10 publications as books and/or research/policy papers).

Professor (Agriculture Extension) -> (i) Ph.D. degree in Agricultural Communication/Agricultural Extension/Agricultural Extension Education and Rural Development. (ii) 10 years experience T/R/E provided 02 years experience as a Associate Professor (pre-revised)/revised pay scale as per 6th pay commission or in an equivalent position. (iii) Evidence of contribution to T/R/E as supported by published work/innovations (Published work with a minimum of 10 publications as books and/or research/policy papers).

Professor (Horticulture) -> (i) Ph.D. degree in Horticulture/ Vegetable Science/ Pomology/ Floriculture/ Landscaping. (ii) 10 years experience T/R/E provided 02 years experience as a Associate Professor (pre-revised)/revised pay scale as per 6th pay commission or in an equivalent position. (iii) Evidence of contribution to T/R/E as supported by published work/innovations (Published work with a minimum of 10 publications as books and/or research/policy papers).

Professor (Agriculture Economics & Management) -> (i) Ph.D. degree in Agricultural Economics /Agricultural Economics & Management / Dairy Economics. (ii) 10 years experience T/R/E provided 02 years experience as a Associate Professor (pre-revised)/revised pay scale as per 6th pay commission or in an equivalent position. (iii) Evidence of contribution to T/R/E as supported by published work/innovations (Published work with a minimum of 10 publications as books and/or research/policy papers).

Professor (Agriculture Biotechnology) -> (i) Ph.D. degree in Bio - Technology/relevant area of Bio-Science and Life Science with experience in Biotechnology. (ii) 10 years experience T/R/E provided 02 years experience as a Associate Professor (pre-revised)/revised pay scale as per 6th pay commission or in an equivalent position. (iii) Evidence of contribution to T/R/E as supported by published work/innovations (Published work with a minimum of 10 publications as books and/or research/policy papers).

Professor (Genetics and Plant Breeding) -> (i) Ph.D. degree in Genetics & Plant Breeding/Plant Breeding/Ag. Botany/ Seed Technology. (ii) 10 years experience T/R/E provided 02 years experience as a Associate Professor (pre-revised)/revised pay scale as per 6th pay commission or in an equivalent position. (iii) Evidence of contribution to T/R/E as supported by published work/innovations (Published work with a minimum of 10 publications as books and/or research/policy papers).

Associate Professor (Basic Science - (A) Mathematics 01 and (B) Statistics 01) (i) (A). Ph.D. degree in Mathematics (B). Ph.D. degree in Statistics. (ii) A minimum of 08 years experience of T/R/E at Assistant Professor or equivalent level (excluding period spent in obtaining Ph.D. degree) in the Pre-revised pay scale of Rs. 8000-13500 / 15600-39100 (AGP 6000/-) as per 6th pay commission, having contribution to T/R/E as evidenced by published work/innovation.

Associate Professor (Agriculture Economics & Management) - (i) Ph.D. degree in Agricultural Economics / Agricultural Economics & Management/ Dairy Economics. (ii) A minimum of 08 years experience of T/R/E at Assistant Professor or equivalent level (excluding period spent in obtaining Ph.D. degree) in the Pre-revised pay scale of Rs. 8000-13500 / 15600-39100 (AGP 6000/-) as per 6th pay commission, having contribution to T/R/E as evidenced by published work/innovation.

Application Fee: A Non refundable fee of ₹ 1500/- for General and OBC Category, ₹ 750/- for SC / ST Category Candidates. The fee in the form of Bank Draft in favour of Comptroller, SVP University of Agriculture and Technology, Meerut payable at Meerut.

How to Apply: Application on prescribed format along with enclosures and Application Fee (Bank Draft) should reach to Registrar, SVP University of Agriculture and Technology, Meerut by Registered Post. The closing date for receipt of applications is 17/03/2018.

Notification >> Application Form >>

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel University of Agriculture and Technology (SVPUAT) Meerut invites applications for recruitment of following Faculty / Teaching Positions is various Departments. The last date for receipt of applications is 31st January 2018.

Advertisement No. I / 2017

Name of the Post

No of Vacancy

Scale of Pay



₹ 37400 - 67000 + AGP ₹ 10,000/-

Associate Professor


₹ 37400 - 67000 + AGP ₹ 9,000/-

Assistant Professor


₹ 15600 - 39100 + AGP ₹ 6,000/-

Advertisement No. II / 2017

Name of the Post

No of Vacancy

Scale of Pay



₹ 37400 - 67000 + AGP ₹ 10,000/-

Associate Professor


₹ 37400 - 67000 + AGP ₹ 9,000/-

Assistant Professor


₹ 15600 - 39100 + AGP ₹ 6,000/-

Advertisement No. III / 2017

Name of the Post

No of Vacancy

Scale of Pay



₹ 37400 - 67000 + AGP ₹ 10,000/-

Associate Professor


₹ 37400 - 67000 + AGP ₹ 9,000/-

Assistant Professor


₹ 15600 - 39100 + AGP ₹ 6,000/-

Minimum Qualification: Doctoral degree (Ph.D) with Master Degree in concerned discipline. The NET/SLET will not be an essential qualification in the discipline in which NET/SLET is not conducted.

Application Fee (A Non-Refundable): A bank draft of ₹ 1500/- (₹ 750/- for SC/ST) for teaching posts,  ₹ 750/- (₹ 350/- for SC/ST) for Non-teaching post (Observer Only). The bank draft in favour of Comptroller, SVP University of Agriculture & Technology, Meerut payable at Meerut.

Selection Process: Interview.

How to Apply:  Eligible Indian Citizens apply on prescribed format. Completed application along with enclosures and application fee should reach to Registrar, SVP University of Agriculture & Technology, Meerut (Uttar Pradesh State) by registered post on or before 31/01/2018.

Complete Details and Application Form >>

by | Last Updated on 2018-02-17T14:22:01Z