24 March 2016

MRSSTU Recruitment 2016 Teaching, Non-Teaching Posts (57 Vacancies)

Maharaja Ranjit Singh State Technical University (MRSSTU), Bathinpa  (Established by Government of Punjab) invites Online Applications for recruitment of Teaching and Non-Teaching positions on Regular Basis. The last date for submission of applications is 15th April 2016.

Advertisement No. MRSSTU/ESTB./2016/12

Name of the Post

No of Vacancies

Pay Scale

Director Sports and Youth Welfare


₹ 37000 – 67000/- + GP ₹ 10000/-

Director Training & Placement


₹ 37000 – 67000/- + GP ₹ 10000/-

Director, IT Enabled Services


₹ 37000 – 67000/- + GP ₹ 10000/-

Special Secretary to VC/ Deputy Registrar (General)


₹ 15600 – 39100/- + GP ₹ 7600/-

PA to VC


₹ 10300 – 34800/- + GP ₹ 4800/-

PA to Registrar


₹ 10300 – 34800/- + GP ₹ 4800/-



₹ 10300 – 34800/- + GP ₹ 3200/-

Clerk cum data entry operator


₹ 10300 – 34800/- + GP ₹ 3200/-

Security Officer


₹ 10300 – 34800/- + GP ₹ 5000/-

Educational Qualifications:

Director -> A Ph.D Degree with First Class at Bachelor's or Master's Degree in the appropriate Branch.

Special Secretary to  VC/ Deputy Registrar (General) -> Master's degree in any discipline. 15 years experience in a responsible position out of which at least 10 years administrative/supervisory experience not below the position of Supdt.Grade-I and should be well versed with the University system and be capable of preparing noted, agenda and minutes of meetings and handling correspondence independently.

PA to VC -> Graduate Degree from a recognized University. Having Shorthand Typing speed @ 120/40 w.p.m. with 96 percent accuracy both English and Punjabi and working knowledge of computer. Must be capable  to handle correspondence independently. 10 years experience of working in a University/ Educational Institution/ Govt. office.

PA to Registrar -> Graduate Degree from a recognized University. Having Shorthand/ Typing speed @ 120/ 40 w.p.m. with 96 percent accuracy both English and Punjabi and working knowledge of computer. Must be capable  to handle correspondence independently. 10 years experience of working in a University/ Educational Institution/ Govt. office.

Steno -> Should have passed Bachelor's Degree from a recognized University or Institution and Must qualify tests in stenography both in English and Punjabi at a speed of 80 w.p.m. in shorthand and transcribed on a speed of 15 w.p.m. with 92 percent accuracy. Possesses atleast one hundred and twenty hours course with hands on experience in the use of Personal Computer or Information Technology in Office Productivity applications or Desktop Publishing applications from a Government organised Institution or a reputed Institution, which is ISO-9001, certified (OR) Possesses a Computer Information Technology Course equivalent to O Level Certificate of Department of Electronic Accreditation of Computer Courses (DOEACC) of Govt, of India.

Clerk cum DEO -> Should have passed Bachelor's degree from a recognized University or Institution and; Possesses at least one hundred and twenty hours course with hands on experience in the use of Personal Computer or Information Technology in Office Productivity applications or Desktop Publishing applications from a Government organized Institution or a reputed Institution, which is ISO-9001, certified. (OR) Possesses a Computer Information Technology Course equivalent to O Level Certificate of Department of Electronic Accreditation of Computer Courses (DOEACC) of Govt, of India. Must qualify test in type writing at speed of 40 w.p.m. in English and 30 w.p.m. in Punjabi languages with 92 percent accuracy in both tests.

Security Officer -> Retired Armed Forces Commissioned Officer, not below the rank of Major.

Selection Process: Practical / Written Test will be held wherever felt necessary.

Application Fee: ₹ 500/- (₹ 250/- for SC/ST candidates) can be submitted through Demand Draft in favour of Registrar MRSSTU, Bathinda payable at Bathinda alongwith application.

How to Apply: Online applications in the prescribed format from the eligible candidates for its Main Campus/ Constituent Colleges/ Institutions. The hard copy of the application alongwith the attested photocopies of certificates/documents and demand draft of required fee should reach the office of Registrar by 15/04/2016 through Speed Post/ Registered Post/ personally. Separate application should be submitted while applying for more than one post.

Official Advertisement >> Qualification Details >>
Apply Online for Teaching Posts >> Apply Online for Non-Teaching Posts >>

Maharaja Ranjit Singh State Technical University (MRSSTU), Bathinda (Punjab State) invites Online Applications for recruitment of following Teaching Positions for its Main Campus. The last date for submission of applications is 7th April 2016.

Advt. No MRSSTU/ESTB/2016/10

Name of the Post

Total Vacancies

Scale of Pay


06 in various subjects

₹ 37400 – 67000 + AGP ₹ 10000/-

Associate Professor

13 in various subjects

₹ 37400 – 67000 + AGP ₹ 9000/-

Application Fee: ₹ 500/- in shape of Demand Draft (DD) in favour of Registrar, MRSSTU. Bathinda payable at Bathinda.

How to Apply:  Eligible candidates are required to apply online in the prescribed application format. The hard copy of the application along with the attested photocopies of certificates / documents and application fee (DD) should reach the office of Registrar by 07/04/2016 by Speed Post / Registered Post or by hand. Separate application should be submitted while applying for a post in more than one post.

Official Advertisement >> Qualification Details >> Online Application Form >>

by | Last Updated on 2016-03-24T16:27:20Z