21 September 2015

452 Company ASC Recruitment 2015 Industrial Mazdoors

Commanding 452 Company Army Service Corps (Supply) Type 'A', Hasimara invites applications from eligible Indian Male candidates for recruitment of Industrial Mazdoors (Group 'C'). THe last date for receipt of application is 28th September 2015.

Post Name

No of Post

Age Limit

Pay Scale

Industrial Mazdoors (Group 'C')


18 to 25 Years as on 31/12/2015

Pay Band-1 and with Grade Pay ₹ 1900 and ₹ 1800

Minimum Educational Qualification: Matriculation.

Selection Procedure: All eligible candidates whose application are found complete in all respects will undergo the following tests:-

(a) Physical Test - Candidates will be tested for physical fitness and agility through a set of tests.
(b) Written Test / Interview - Candidates who qualify in physical test will be called for written test and interview.

How To Apply: Completed application form will be sent to OFFICER COMMANDING, 452 COMPANY ARMY SERVICE CORPS (SUPPLY) TYPE 'A', PIN-905452, C/O 99 APO. Last date of receipt of application is 28/09/2015. The envelope will be marked as APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF INDUSTRIAL MAZDOOR'.

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by | Last Updated on 2015-09-21T05:05:42Z