15 June 2016

HSRDC Recruitment 2016 Head Draftsman

Haryana State Roads and Bridges Development Corporation Limited (HSRDC) (A State Government Undertaking), Panchkula required for appointment of Head Draftsman on Contract Basis. The Walk in Interview scheduled to be held on 29th June 2016.

Post Name

Monthly Salary

Qualification and Experience

Head Draftsman

The emoluments will be paid as per Haryana Govt. instructions of retired employees.

The candidate must be retired as Head Draftsman / Circle Head Draftsman from Haryana State Government / Boards / Corporations and having good knowledge and experience in dealing with estimates of Buildings / Roads and Bridges works.

Selection will be made through Walk-in-interview to be held on the date and venue as below. The candidate should bring all testimonials.
Date of interview -> 29/06/2016
Time -> 10:00 AM
Venue -> O/o Managing Director, Haryana State Roads & Bridges Development Corporation, Bays No. 13-14, Sector-2, Panchkula.

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by | Last Updated on 2016-06-15T12:20:30Z