13 March 2018

HHEC Recruitment 2018 General Manager Marketing

The Handicrafts and Handlooms Exports Corporation of India Limited invites applications for the posts of General Manager on deputation basis one at Noida Office and another at Chennai Office. The date for receipt of applications has been extended to 21st March 2018.

Name of Post

No of Vacancy

Scale of Pay

Job Location

General Manager (Marketing)


₹ 43,200 – 66,000/-

Noida – 01, Chennai – 01

Eligibility: Officers of the level of Deputy Secretary of the Government of India and above at least 15 years' experience, out of which minimum three years' experience in the export/ marketing of handloom products and development of hubs/ clusters of handloom.

Applications in the prescribed format are invited from eligible candidates, who are working in the same scale of pay or one level below within a month from the date of publication of the advertisement through proper channel, i.e. by the cadre controlling authority duly verified/ countersigned by the Head of Office or an officer authorized to sign on his behalf along with required documents to the Deputy Manager (HR), The Handicrafts & Handlooms Exports Corporation of India Ltd., Corporate Office, "Noida Complex", A -2, Sector 2, Udyog Marg, Noida - 201301, Gautam Budh Nagar (U.P.). The date for receipt of applications has been extended to 21/03/2018 up to 5:30 PM.

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by | Last Updated on 2018-03-13T07:15:10Z