13 July 2017

DBSKKV Recruitment 2017 Assistant, Computer Operator, Labour (10 Vacancies)

Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidapeeth Dapoli (DBSKKV), District Ratnagiri invites applications from the eligible candidates for various posts purely temporary and on contract basis in "Conducting of impact studies of thermal power plant on mango and cashew plantation" scheme / projects being implemented in the university. The last date for receipt of applications is 25th July 2017.

Name of the Post

No of Vacancies

Consolidated Pay

Senior Research Assistant

05 (Horticulture, Agriculture Entomology, Plant Pathology, Plant Physiology, Soil Science and Agril. Chemistry)

₹ 25,000/-+ 10 % HRA per month

Contractual Computer Operator


₹ 10,000/-per month

Contractual Labour


₹ 6,000/-per month

Age Limit: Not more than 38 years (Relaxation as per rule for SC/NT and other categories).

Educational Qualifications:

Horticulture -> M.Sc. in Horticulture or Post Harvest Management of Fruit, Vegetable and Flower crops.

Agril. Entomology -> M.Sc. in Agril. Entomology.

Plant Pathology -> M.Sc. in Plant Pathology.

Plant Physiology -> M.Sc. in Plant Physiology.

Soil Science and Agril. Chemistry -> M.Sc. in Soil Science and Agril. Chemistry.

Contractual Computer Operator -> Graduate in any Discipline, Marathi Typewriting 30 wpm and English Typewriting 40 wpm. MS-CIT course Passed.

Contractual Labour -> 4th std. passed and experience in the field work (Max - Matric).

How to Apply: Eligible Candidates should submit their application in the prescribed format. The Candidates are hereby informed to submit the application on or before 25/07/2017 in office of Principal Investigator, JSW-TPP Mango Project, Professor and Associate Dean, Post Graduate Institute of Post Harvest Management, Camp office - First Floor, College of Agriculture, Dapoli in office of Principal Investigator, JSW-TPP Mango Project. The envelope should  be super scribed as "Application for the post " ______" station /place "Principal Investigator, JSW-TPP Mango Project, Professor and Associate Dean, Post Graduate Institute of Post Harvest Management, Camp office - First Floor, College of Agriculture, Dapoli." under the scheme "JSW-TPP Mango Project".

Details and Application Form >>

Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth (DBSKKV) Walk in interview for the Faculty posts of Lecturer and Instructors on Clock Hour Basis for the Courses of I Semester of Diploma in Fisheries Engineering Program. Walk in Interview will be held on 29th July 2015.

Academic Post

No. of Post

Course (Credits : TH+PR=Total)

Maximum Clock Hours TH+PR (Per Semester)

Max. Estimated Amount (Per Semester)



English (1+0=1)


₹ 4,500/-



Basic Mathematics (1+1=2)


₹ 9,000/-



Engineering Graphics (1+2=3)


₹ 13,500/-



Basic Workshop Practice (Electrical & Electronics) (0+2=2)


₹ 9,000/-

Educational Qualifications:

Lecturer (English) -> Ph.D. in respective subject. OR Masters Degree in respective subject with two years of experience in teaching in the respective subject.

Lecturer (Basic Mathematics) -> Ph.D. in respective subject. OR Masters Degree in respective subject with two years of experience in teaching in the respective subject.

Lecturer (Engineering Graphics) -> Ph.D. in respective subject. OR Masters Degree in respective subject with two years of experience in teaching in the respective subject.

Instructor (Basic Workshop Practice (Electrical & Electronics)) -> Masters Degree in respective subject OR Bachelors Degree in respective subject with two years of experience in teaching in the respective subject.

Day & Date of Interview: Wednesday, the 29th July, 2015, Time : 11.00 to 13.00 Hrs.

Place of Interview: Committee Room, College of Fisheries, Shirgaon, Ratnagiri - 415 612.

Dr.Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishividyapeeth (DBSKKV), Ratnagiri is proposed to fill up following temporary and time bound positions on contract basis under the "Horticulture pest surveillance and Advisory project HORTSAP 2015-2016 for Sapota" on the basis of walk in interview.


No. of Post

Salary (Per Month)

Research Associate (Agril Entomology / Plant Pathology)

01 (For ARS, Palghar)

₹ 23,000/-+ 10%HRA (for M.Sc Agri. Candidates) OR ₹ 24,000/- + 10% HRA (for Ph.D. Agri. Candidates)

Computer Operator

01 (For ARS, Palghar)

₹ 8,850/- (Fixed)

Age Limit: 18 to 33 Years. Age Relaxation as per Govt Rules.

Educational Qualifications:

Research Associate -> M.Sc. or Ph.D. in Agril. Entomology/Plant Pathology, with specialization in respective subject.

Computer Operator -> Bachelor's Degree in any faculty of statutory University. Typewriting minimum speed English 40 WPM and Marat hi 30 WPM and good computer knowledge, MSCIT course completed.

Walk in Interview -> 23/07/2015 at 11:00 AM. The applicants must bring with their original documents/testimonials at the time of interview.

by | Last Updated on 2017-07-13T07:13:32Z