30 December 2016

BFUHS Recruitment 2017 Faculty Posts (11 Vacancies)

Baba Farid University of Health Sciences (BFUHS), Faridkot invites applications from the eligible candidates for recruitment of Professor, 2.    Associate Professor, Assistant Professor and Senior Resident in Guru Gobind Singh Medical College & Hospital, Faridkot. The last date for submission of applications is 6th January 2017.

Post Name

No of Vacancies

Age Limit

Scale of Pay



50 Years

₹ 37400-67000 + ₹ 10000 G.P

Associate Professor


45 Years

₹ 37400-67000 + ₹ 8900 G.P

Assistant Professor


40 Years

₹ 37400-67000 + ₹ 8600 G.P

Senior Resident


37 Years

₹ 55,000/- p.m (consolidated)

Qualification and Experience:

Professor -> As Reader/ Associate Professor in the subject for three years in a recognised Post Graduate Medical College in concerned specialty. (minimum 10 years teaching experience after completion of post graduation).

Associate Professor -> As Assistant Professor in the subject for four years in a recognized Post Graduate Medical College in concerned specialty. (minimum 7 years teaching experience after completion of post graduation).

Assistant Professor -> Three years teaching experience in the subject in a recognized Post Graduate Medical College as Senior Resident/ Registrar/ Lecturer/ Demonstrator/ Tutor or equivalent or higher teaching faculty posts after post graduation in the concerned specialty.

Senior Resident -> A recognized post graduate degree from a statutory university with 3 years experience of residency in the concerned specialty (OR) a recognized postgraduate diploma from a statutory university in the concerned specialty with 2 years experience of residency in the concerned specialty and 1 year residency experience in the concerned specialty obtained after acquiring the PG diploma (OR) A graduate doctor with recognized MBBS degree and registered in IMR who has got 3 (three) years experience as a resident doctor in the concerned specialty.

Application Fee: A Non-refundable fee of ₹ 1500/- for General and OBC category candidates; ₹ 750/- for SC / ST category candidates. The fee should be pay through Demand Draft (DD) in favour of The Registrar, Baba Farid University of Health Sciences, Faridkot payable at Faridkot.

How to Apply: The Application on prescribed proforma along with self attested copies of certificates for proof of date of birth, marks sheet, degree, experience etc. Completed applications should be addressed to the Registrar, Baba Farid University of Health Sciences, Sadiq Road, Faridkot on or before 06/01/2017 upto 05.00 PM. Candidates already in service must route their application Through Proper Channel. Separate application/ proforma may be used for each post.

Vacancy Details >>
Download Application Form >>

by | Last Updated on 2016-12-30T07:53:51Z