19 September 2015

NEERI Recruitment 2015 Scientist / Senior Scientist

CSIR - National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI), Nagpur is looking for enthusiastic, talented young researchers / professionals with brilliant academic record, proven scientific achievements and zeal for innovative research. The last date for receipt of applications is 5th October 2015.


Particulars of the Posts

No of Vacancies

Upper Age Limit (as on 05/10/2015)

Pay Band + Grade Pay

Scientist / Senior Scientist


General - 32 years, OBC - 35 years, SC/ST - 37 years / 37 General - years, OBC - 40 years, SC/ST - 42 years

Pay Band -3 ₹ 15600-39100/- + Grade Pay ₹ 6600 / 7600

Qualification & Experience: M.E./M.Tech. (OR) Ph. D. submitted in required discipline. 04 Years experience for Senior Scientist.

Application Fee: A non-Refundable of ₹ 100/- drawn on any nationalized bank and valid for at least 3 months in favour of "Director, CSIR- NEERI, Nagpur" payable at Nagpur. The Bankers of the CSIR-NEERI are State Bank of India, NEERI Branch (Code 04224). The following details must also be filled up on back side of the Demand Draft (i) Candidate's Name (ii) Candidate's Category (iii) Post Code Number/Advertisement No. of the Post Applied For.

How To Apply: Eligible candidates are required to apply in the prescribed application form.  The Application forms duly filled in the prescribed form along with the Synopsis and complete in all respects accompanied by attested copies of the certificates, mark sheets, testimonials in support of age, education qualifications, experience, caste/community/class, re-prints of publications along with recent passport size self-signed photograph affixed on the application form + one more to be stapled, as required with Demand Draft (DD) for Application Fee (wherever applicable), as required above, should be sent to DIRECTOR, CSIR- NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH INSTITUTE, NEHRU MARG, NAGPUR - 440 020 in an envelope superscribed as "APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF _____ (POST CODE No _____ / Advertisement No _____)" by post so as to reach on or before 05/10/2015.

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by | Last Updated on 2015-09-19T07:57:32Z