12 September 2015

Indian Navy SSC Pilot Observer Course June 2016 Notification

Indian Navy invites Unmarried Men and Women to join the Indian Navy as Short Service Commissioned Officer as Pilot / Observer in the Executive Branch of the Indian Navy for course commencing Jun 2016 at the
Indian Naval Academy Ezhimala, Kerala. The last date for submission of online applications is 2nd October 2015.






Men & Women

Age Limit:

(a) General Candidates -> 19 to 24 Years, born between 02 July 1992 and 01 July 1997; both dates inclusive.
(b) CPL Holders -> 19 to 25 Years, born between 02 July 1991 and 01 July 1997; both dates inclusive.

Educational Qualification:

(1) BE/ B.Tech in any discipline with Physics and Maths at 12th Standard. Minimum percentage in BE/B.Tech for Pilot entry is 60% and for Observer entry 55%.
(2) CPL candidate must have valid and current CPL issued by DGCA (India).

Physical Standards:

(a) Height and Weight -> Minimum height for men 162.5 cms and for women 152 cms with correlated weight, leg length, sitting height and thigh length.
(b) Eye Sight -> The minimum acceptable vision standard for distant vision 6/6,6/ 9 correctable to 6/6,6/6. Should not be colour blind/night blind.
(c) Tattoo -> Permanent body tattoos are only permitted on inner face of forearms i.e from inside of elbow to the wrist end or on the reverse side of palm/back (dorsal) side of hand. Permanent body tattoos on any other part of the body are not acceptable and candidates will be barred from further selection.

Selection Process:

(a) Shortlisted Candidates based on Educational Qualification will be called for Service Selection Board (SSB) Interviews.
(b) The Interviews will be scheduled from November 2015 to March 2016 at Bangalore.
(c) Shortlisted candidates will be informed about their selection for SSB interview on their e-mail or through SMS (provided by candidate in their application form).
(d) The total duration of SSB interviews is five days, consisting of stage I (Day one) and stage II (Four days).
(e) Stage I Tests -> Consist of Intelligence Tests, Picture Perception and Group Discussion Tests. Candidates who fail to qualify in Stage I will be sent back on the same day from SSB Centre.
(f) Stage II Tests -> Consists of Psychological Tests, Group Task Tests and Interview. Successful candidates will undergo:- (i) For Pilot-PABT (Pilot Aptitude Battery Tests) followed by Aviation Medical examination. (ii) For Observer - Aviation Medical examination.

How To Apply: Candidates are advised to fill "e-Application' Online through Join Indian Navy Website on or before 02/10/2015. After filling up Online Application, Take Print out of Two copies of Online Application. One copy of this Application Form along with the required documents (Self attested photograph, Attested photo copies of 10th & 12th class certificates along with Mark Sheets, other educational certificates and mark sheets of all semester/years is to be duly signed) addressed to "Post Box No. 02, Sarojini Nagar PO, New Delhi - 110 023" by ordinary post only. The last date for submission of hard copy of application is 12/10/2015. The Post cover super scribe "ONLINE APPLICATION NO.________ APPLICATION FOR Pilot/Observer JUN 2016 COURSE Qualification________ Percentage ________%. NCC 'C Yes/No."

DAVP Notification Here >> Apply Online Website >>

by | Last Updated on 2015-09-12T11:12:24Z