16 March 2015

Coffee Board Recruitment 2015 Scientific, Extension Inspector Posts (50 Vacancies)

Coffee-Board-Jobs-2015The Coffee Board of India, Bengaluru invites applications in the prescribed format for recruitment of following Scientific posts by direct recruitment basis. The last date for submission of applications is 15th April 2015.

About: Coffee Board under Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government Of India.


No of Vacancies

Subject Matter Specialist - [1] Agronomy


Subject Matter Specialist - [3] Plant Tissue Culture and Biotechnology


Subject Matter Specialist - [8] (a) Biochemistry [Post-Harvest Technology]


Subject Matter Specialist - [8] (b) Agricultural Engineering [Post-Harvest Technology]


Subject Matter Specialist - [9] Analytical Chemistry


Subject Matter Specialist - [10] Agricultural Economics


Subject Matter Specialist - [11] Coffee Quality


Assistant Specialist - [1] Agronomy


Assistant Specialist - [2] Plant Breeding and Genetics


Assistant Specialist - [3] Plant Tissue Culture and Biotechnology


Assistant Specialist - [5] Agricultural Chemistry


Assistant Specialist - [6] Plant Pathology


Assistant Specialist - [7] Entomology


Assistant Specialist - [8] Biochemistry and Agricultural

Engineering [Post-Harvest Technology]


Assistant Specialist - [9] Coffee Quality


Research Assistant Grade I - [1] Agronomy


Research Assistant Grade I - [3] Plant Tissue Culture and Biotechnology


Research Assistant Grade I - [4] Plant Physiology


Research Assistant Grade I - [6] Plant Pathology


Research Assistant Grade I - [7] Entomology


Research Assistant Grade I - [8] (a) Biochemistry

[Post-Harvest Technology]


Research Assistant Grade I - [8] (b) Agricultural Engineering [Post-Harvest Technology]


Research Assistant Grade I - [9] Coffee Quality


Scale of Pay:

Subject Matter Specialist -> PB-3 Rs.15600-39100 plus Grade Pay of Rs.5400/-
Assistant Specialist -> PB-2 Rs.9300-34800 plus Grade Pay of Rs.4600/-
Research Assistant -> PB-2 Rs.9300-34800 plus Grade Pay of Rs.4200/-

Educational Qualifications:

Subject Matter Specialist -> Post Graduate Degree in Agriculture with required Discipline. Minimum three years' experience in Agricultural Research or Agricultural Extension or Agricultural Teaching.

Assistant Specialist -> Post Graduate Degree in Agriculture with required specialization. Minimum five years' experience in Research or Teaching in any recognized Research Institution or University.

Research Assistant -> Post Graduate Degree in Agriculture with required specialization. Experience not required.

Selection Process: Personal Interview.

Application Fee: A Non-Refundable fee of Rs.500/- per application by way of crossed Demand Draft (DD) / Indian Postal Order (IPO) drawn in favour of "Coffee Board General Fund Non-Plan Account" payable at Bengaluru.

How To Apply: The duly filled in applications (Part 'A' and 'B') along with requisite documents along with DD sent to "The Deputy Secretary (SR), Coffee Board, No.1, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Veedhi, Bengaluru - 560 001" either in person or by post on or before 15/04/2015 up to 6:00 PM.

For Enquiries -> Candidates may contact the Deputy Secretary (SR), Coffee Board, No.1, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Veedhi, Bengaluru - 560 001, Telephone No. 080 - 22375925, on all working days (Monday to Friday) between 09.30AM and 6.00 PM.

Notification Details Here >>

The Coffee Board of India invites applications from Indian Nationals (belonging to North Eastern Region only) for filling up the post of Extension Inspector for fill up Nine (09) posts by direct recruitment exclusively for the North Eastern Region. The last date for receipt of applications is 15th April 2015.

Advertisement No. ADM/EBI/DR-RES/2014-15/4617

Name of post

No of Posts

Age Limit

Pay Scale

Extension Inspector


Between 18 and 27 years

PB-1 Rs.5200-20200 plus Grade Pay Rs.2800/-

Educational Qualification: Degree in Agricultural or Horticultural Sciences or Graduation in Science with Botany or Zoology as one of the subjects.

Place of Posting: In the Board's offices located in North Eastern Region.

Application Fee: A non-refundable fee of Rs.500 by way of crossed Demand Draft (DD) / Indian Postal Order (IPO) drawn in favour of "Coffee Board General Fund Non-Plan Account" payable at Bengaluru.

How To Apply: The filled-in application in the prescribed format, Complete in all respects along with required photo-copies of documents shall be submitted to the Deputy Secretary (SR), Coffee Board, No.1, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Veedhi, Bengaluru - 560 001 either in person or by post so as to reach on or before 6.00 pm on 15/04/2015.

Notification Details Here >>

by | Last Updated on 2015-03-16T06:00:23Z