20 October 2015

80 COY ASC (Sup) Type G Recruitment 2015 Civil Labour (02 Vacancies)

Coy Asc (Supply) Type 'G' invites applications from eligible Indian Male Candidates for recruitment of Civil Labour (Group 'C'). Eligible candidates apply within 21 days from the date of publication of this advertisement (dated 20th Oct 2015).

Post Name

No of Vacancy

Age Limit

Pay Scale

Civil Labour (Group 'C')


18 – 25 Years as on 31 January 2016 (Relaxation upto 5 years for SC and 3 years for OBC)

₹ 5200-20200 with Grade Pay ₹ 1800/-

Educational Qualification: Matriculation or equivalent.

Selection Process:

(a) Physical Test - Candidates will be required to undergo the following physical tests :- (i) 100 metres Race, (ii) Vertical Rope, (iii) Carrying a Bag of 50 kgs to a distance of 50 metres within 01 Minutes.
(b) Written Test/Interview - Candidates who qualify in physical test will be called for written test and interview. Written test will be based on General Knowledge and syllabus upto matriculation or equivalent.

How To Apply: Completed application form will be sent to COMMANDANT, 80 COY ASC (SUP) TYPE 'G', PIN-905080, C/O 99 APO. The Last date for receipt of application, will be upto 21 days from the date of publication of this advertisement (i.e. Last date may be 06/11/2015).

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by | Last Updated on 2015-10-20T13:04:26Z