31 December 2014

Charutar Vidya Mandal Recruitment 2015 Faculty Posts

Charutar Vidya Mandal, Vallabh Vidya Nagar-388121, Anand (Gujarat State) invites applications for the following teaching posts are invited for Govindbhai Jorabhai Patel Institute of Ayurvedic Studies and Research, New Vallabh Vidyanagar. The last date for receipt of application is 10th January 2015.

Post Name

Age Limit



Maximum 50 Years

(a) A degree in Ayurved from a University established by law or a Statutory Board/Faculty/Examining Body of Indian Medicine or is equivalent as recognised under Indian Medicine Central Council Act-1970.

(b) A Post Graduate qualification included in the schedule to Indian Medicine Central Council Act-1970.

(c) Teaching experience of 10 years as a full time teacher of which at least five years experience as a teacher on and above the rank of Reader and also possessing 3 years Administrative experience.


Maximum 50 Years

(a)A degree in Ayurved from a University established by law or a Statutory Board / Faculty / Examining Body of Indian Medicine or its equivalent as recognised under Indian Medicine Central Council Act, 1970.

(b) A Post Graduate qualification in the subject / speciality concerned included in the schedule to Indian Medicine Central Council Act, 1970.

(c) Teaching experience of 10 years as a full time teacher of which atleast five years teaching experience in the specialised subject as a Reader


Maximum 45 Years

(a) A degree in Ayurved from a University established by law or a Statutory Board / Faculty / Examining Body of Indian Medicine or its equivalent as recognised under Indian Medicine Central Council Act, 1970.

(b) A Post Graduate qualification in the subject / speciality concerned included in the schedule to Indian Medicine Central Council Act, 1970.

(c) Teaching experience of 5 years as a full time teacher in the specialised subject of which 3 years teaching experience as a Lecturer OR 7 years experience as Demonstrator / Tutor in specialised subject.

Pay Scale: as per Gujarat Ayurved University / CVMandal rules.

How To Apply: The completed application form along with attested copies of the certificates, mark sheets, testimonials and self evaluation form should reach to "The Hon.Secretary, Charutar Vidya Mandal, Vallabh Vidyanagar- 388 120, Dist. Anand (Guj)" latest by 10/01/2015.

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by | Last Updated on 2014-12-31T09:43:20Z